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Posted: 3/4/2001 4:11:29 PM EDT
I'm listening to it now.
Bend over gang, here it comes again..
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:30:30 PM EDT
Just watched a few minutes of it.  Cops son steals gun and car and gets shot in Kansas after shooting a cop.  Just don't know how a "good kid", an altar boy could do such a thing.  Must have been the gun - yeah right.
Has all the marks of a typical media smear job All bad for guns all good for more laws and restictions.

I belive one of the phrases used was "gangs and guns, a deadly combination".  Especially if the gangs have the guns and you don't!
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:42:31 PM EDT
I believe it went:

"By day 5 of the week; we have 13 young people killed by guns"
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:44:39 PM EDT
OMG! People use GUNS to commit suicide!

Gang members use GUNS to kill each other!

Something needs to be done! Where can I turn mine in? That should help!!
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:55:18 PM EDT
All the "bad guys" buy guns at the gunshows.  Sh!t,  They check my record everytime, well, now that my CHL is here, I am cleared.

Bull on giving away the guns to bad guys.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:04:33 PM EDT
These democrat liberal dumba**es are making me sick.  These people are idiots.  A backgound check isn't going to stop any of the people buying a gun anyway because most of them didn't have a criminal background.  Lets just make more laws so we can screw all the responsible gun owners like us.  Most of the crap they showed was in conjunction to other crimes, suicides, or just people being stupid.  
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:05:44 PM EDT
Sad story, complete with "save the children" music and snapshots. Another demonize the gun feature. Screw it, I'm going to go watch the Sopranos premiere. Probably won't be any gun violence there...
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:07:14 PM EDT
My feelings on the show [puke]
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:14:20 PM EDT
BOHICA!! Some stupid stuff there, but: IF NBC wanted to show how bad the killing of kids REALLY was that week, they should have done an expose' about abortionists killing babies.

Yep, they should have shown the "doctors" sucking out little kids piece by piece from their mothers: 1,500,000 per YEAR here in the USA.."doctors" they call themselves. GD NBC socialists.  They only want to take away the guns of the citizens..but why? We'll make better slaves if we're disarmed, and they know it.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:28:30 PM EDT
Just to make myself feel better, I e-mailed NBC and gave my opinion on their one-sided portrayal of guns.
Whaddayathink? You think that NBC will now actualy show the fun and sportsmanship responsible people like us have with guns?
Unfortunately in NBC's eyes, responsible people won't get them ratings.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 9:55:25 PM EDT
They say 35 children killed in the U.S in one week.  They dont mention haw many lives were saved with guns in this same period!!
This really stoke's me.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 10:14:39 PM EDT
They actually did give some stories of people being saved by guns.  The "children" who were shot commiting crimes.  Yeah, too bad they were shot. [spank]
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 10:15:35 PM EDT
I had to turn the damm thing off! it pissed me off [pissed] big time!
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 11:00:54 PM EDT
Advertisers that advertised on the Dateline show; you know what to do!

Glade Plug ins
Lipitor Drugs
Pontiac Montana(GM)
Microsoft Enterprise Software
Starkist Tuna
AFLAC insurance
Ethan Allen Furniture
Lowe's Home Improvement
Radio Shack
Purina One Dogfood
AT&T(What a surprise)
Henry Ford
Serta Mattresses
Olive Garden
Toyota SUVS
Universal Studio Orlando
Ford Windstar
Phillips TV

And the website is http://www.dateline.msnbc.com

Link Posted: 3/4/2001 11:01:10 PM EDT
Saw the first 1/2 hour, felt sudden urge to puke, switched to "Touched by an Angel" to check-out the hottie angel babe (Monica, not Tess).
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 12:09:34 AM EDT
I think I read someplace that the president  of NBC felt it was his responsibility to make sure guns are banned or some commie crap like that!  

It's coming guys, like it or not.  A line needs to be drawn, if you are not with us your against us!  Write letters, email, call, whatever, but let your representatives knowyou do not support any gun control proposals now or in the future!  Boycott antigun companies and websites, The pen is mightier than any weapon because with a stroke of it we can become slaves!
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 5:52:57 AM EDT
Same 'ole crap- 19 yr. old gang members are the poor youths the anti-gunners are looking to save from those evil guns. This was the best Dateline could do? What a joke. "if only there was a 3 day wait,my brother would'nt have killed himself. Oh yeah,people who are so depressed that they would even consider shooting themselves, would be all better in 72 hrs.of waiting.They would never slash their wrists or jump off a bridge,oh no they would have waited 72 hrs. and seen the light-damn those guns!
Notice how they glossed over the times guns saved those storeowners lives from those punks and then they count the criminal killed in a holdup as "a youth tragically killed"? What the hell?
Did you catch Carolyn McCarthy mumbling at the end of that stupid argument that the Brady bill did work because it "got assault weapons off the street" I'd like to see Dateline or any other major network have her or Feinstein or any other lying anti-gunner debate John Lott in a fair debate.But we all know that will never happen.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 6:52:33 AM EDT
and maria shrivers husband made his (hers) millions making what kind of movies? NO violence there is there. that`s ok though, because they were ONLY MOVIES!
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 8:00:11 AM EDT
black&green: Easy does it on Arnie.  Our anti-gun Calif. Gov Gray Davs, is running scarced, because Arnie is thinking of running against him in 2002.  Gray Davis is backing-off on some of the gun laws the Democrats that are pushing real hard.
Link Posted: 3/6/2001 4:54:57 AM EDT
warlord, maybe arnie and maria have some issues to deal with at home? anyway, wasn`t maria`s dad  big on safari trips at one time? maybe i`m thinking of someone else...well, the world is diferent today, nobody likes guns anymore, they`re just nasty and kill things.( people don`t kill people, guns kill people).....
Link Posted: 3/6/2001 7:23:21 AM EDT
If the media and the liberals have a hard-on to ban something, just ban gangs.  80% of those deaths had to have been attributed to gangs.

I would also like to know how many "kids" died during that week from drowning, auto accidents, etc.  99.9% sure that we had more deaths attributed to several other causes during the same time frame.  
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