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Posted: 12/21/2006 6:28:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:01:02 AM EDT
I doubt they'll get the federal DP but if they do lethal injection is too good for them. Fire up ole sparky in Sing Sing and fry them.

The only thing you'll hear from Bloomberg is "we need to ban assault weapons in the U.S." even though both officer's were shot with a revolver.

ETA: There is NO death penalty in NYS thanks to the Dimwit Party in NYS. You know, those wonderful guys the NYC and some NYS police unions helped elect in the last election.  

Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:09:44 AM EDT
If it was AL it would be a sure thing.

Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:11:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:13:03 AM EDT

If it was AL it would be a sure thing.

yep, won't happen in NY.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:13:53 AM EDT
all that over a tec-9?
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:14:13 AM EDT
That scum bag will probably outlive a lot of us.

Glad I left NY.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:14:35 AM EDT
Don't know Wave, he would in Texas for sure.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:21:09 AM EDT
Who needs to execute him...all you need to do is get creative.

Guess where these go:

Guess what you shatter with this:

Guess what you shove these under:

Guess what you light on fire with these:

Now I'm not saying that we should torture just anyone we feel like...I'm just saying that I'm willing to make exceptions.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:41:22 AM EDT

NY has not executed anyone since SCOTUS ruling in 72, and right now their current implementation of the law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, so I would say it is a moot point.

They were tried and convicted in federal court.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 8:51:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 9:32:14 AM EDT
Since 1927 there have been very few executions of federal prisoners in the U.S.

Link Posted: 12/21/2006 9:38:18 AM EDT
The perp won't ride the lightning. Instead they will kill the 2nd amendment.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:33:12 AM EDT

I doubt they'll get the federal DP but if they do lethal injection is too good for them. Fire up ole sparky in Sing Sing and fry them.

The only thing you'll hear from Bloomberg is "we need to ban assault weapons in the U.S." even though both officer's were shot with a revolver.

ETA: There is NO death penalty in NYS thanks to the Dimwit Party in NYS. You know, those wonderful guys the NYC and some NYS police unions helped elect in the last election.  


Agreed on all counts.

BTW, did the perp have a permit for that assault revolver?

Just like in TX, by and large, police unions don't get it.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:37:16 AM EDT
Why wasn't he killed 'resisting arrest'?

Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:37:43 AM EDT
fry that shitbag.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:43:38 AM EDT

Will he get the death penalty in NY?

My Majik 8 ball sez: "Highly Unlikely"
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:44:16 AM EDT

The perp won't ride the lightning. Instead they will kill the 2nd amendment.


Don't you guys know that it WASN'T his fault.

It was our fault for not providing him with an education and a good job.

It was the gun industries fault for providing him with the gun.

But it was NOT his fault.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:51:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:56:20 AM EDT

Why wasn't he killed 'resisting arrest'?


We're not allowed to do that anymore.


Link Posted: 12/21/2006 12:04:39 PM EDT

well, it looks like justice was [mostly] served. unfortunately, they probably won't put that crap stain in the chair.

as an aside, i really wish bloomberg would shut his fu*king trap. using this stuff to foreward your political agenda is disgusting.

Mayor Bloomberg called the officers "selfless heroes who put their lives on the line to get illegal guns off the streets of our city."

Link Posted: 12/21/2006 12:15:35 PM EDT
I dunno.  It didn't seem to take too long for the jury to convict on all 10 counts.  They just may decide to put him down for the dirt nap.

Link Posted: 12/21/2006 2:09:36 PM EDT

all that over a tec-9?

AFAIK it was a non-existent TEC-9. If it existed I don't believe it or any other assault weapon was ever found.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 2:14:45 PM EDT


Why wasn't he killed 'resisting arrest'?


We're not allowed to do that anymore.



Of course if that HAD killed him while "Resisting" there would have been a 3K postcount thread about the "JBT's Executing Him"
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 2:16:20 PM EDT
I don't know which would be worse punishment. Death, or life without parole in a supermax. After a couple years in an 8x5 cell knowing that you'll never leave, I'd be ready to die.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 2:17:12 PM EDT

Why wasn't he killed 'resisting arrest'?



That was the police's biggest mistake.  A son-of-a-bitch like that you wack the first chance you get while he's 'reaching for a gun'.  
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 2:19:07 PM EDT
He will get the death penalty when civilized people realize that Al Sharpton and the subhumaniod protoplasm he defends are a poison and little more than vermin to be hunted, and destroyed.

That is to say, never.  We'll elect Sharpton to Congress first.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 2:26:29 PM EDT
The scum will receive the death penalty, but not 'get' the death penalty. It will never be carried out.

We will hopefully have to be content knowing that he will never be free again or maybe, just maybe, somebody will whack him on the inside.
Link Posted: 12/22/2006 3:33:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2006 3:45:21 AM EDT


The perp won't ride the lightning. Instead they will kill the 2nd amendment.


Don't you guys know that it WASN'T his fault.

It was our fault for not providing him with an education and a good job.

It was the gun industries fault for providing him with the gun.

But it was NOT his fault.


His parents should rally for him and form a boycott against the gun company that enabled him to get a gun and the gun store that sold it to him and the bullet manufacturer that made the bullets that he used.

Just like the parents of the two boys that fired shotguns into cars on the interstate after they played grand theft auto 3 and the parents formed a boycott against rockstar games and said it was their fault.  A) How did they get the game? B) How the fuck did they get shotguns?

I love the 'pass the blame game'.  Fuckin' 2nd Amendment...we should just do away with all of that!
Link Posted: 12/22/2006 3:54:46 AM EDT


Why wasn't he killed 'resisting arrest'?


We're not allowed to do that anymore.



Non-sense!  They just need to be creative!

Link Posted: 12/22/2006 2:53:22 PM EDT


The scum will receive the death penalty, but not 'get' the death penalty. It will never be carried out.

We will hopefully have to be content knowing that he will never be free again or maybe, just maybe, somebody will whack him on the inside.

Not good enough as far as I'm concerned. Make this guy an example and take him out.

I agree with you 1000%. But realistically it's not going to happen here in NY/NJ.

If it occurred in the fine state of Texas, we wouldn't be having this conversation now.
Link Posted: 12/22/2006 3:12:20 PM EDT
I hope he gets the death penalty. This POS doesn't deserve to live.
Link Posted: 1/4/2007 10:01:32 AM EDT



Why wasn't he killed 'resisting arrest'?


We're not allowed to do that anymore.



Non-sense!  They just need to be creative!


Image needs to be updated with a cell phone.  Wish I still remembered the link or title for that old thread in BoTS.

(and no, not the tired old line about the cell phone gun, the *valid* one about the cell phone being indistinguishable from a gun)
Link Posted: 1/4/2007 11:52:01 AM EDT
It's obvious how well NY's gun laws are working, with cases like this.

And then, here comes "Mayah Bloomboig" with a great idea: let's make up some MORE stupid-ass' gun laws to supplement the ineffectual ones we already have! Way to go, NY!

The little cop-killer will probably end up as the next mayor of NYC.

I'm glad I live in Mississippi, despite Charlie Rangel's ill-informed and arrogant comments on my home state.

FUCK YOU, Charlie Rangel, and the welfare cheat whose back you rode in on.
Link Posted: 1/4/2007 11:52:40 AM EDT

and Hollyweird will probably support his release.......
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