I got a Kodak DC4800 3.1 MP. I had to shrink these down to post the originals are huge and very clear.
I won't be able to make it this time around I have to work. I tried to get out of it but I can't! Hopefully next time?
And by the way- I KNOW MY BIPOD IS ON BACKWARDS. Thank all of those nice folks who E-mailed me concerned for my safety. The amount of recoil is not enough to blow the feet back. The Harris I got on their has very strong springs and is very tight. I put it on backwards because my other rifles have fold down style AK bipods that fold down towards you and I got used to it. It looks better to me then mounting forward. Also, Its easier to deploy the legs from under than the forward position. at least for me it is. I originally mounted it the common way but found it annoyed me. Plus I'm a weirdo and don't like being in the norm...