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Posted: 10/11/2005 9:36:13 AM EDT
Last night my wife and I were coming home from the store and two dogs came out of nowhere in the darkness of night and one of them got struck.  Dooley didn't make it.  My wife was driving and she is real upset.  The dog was hit in the head and was killed instantly.  I got out and checked his collar for a tag.  I called the owner and arranged to meet them where they could retrieve their dog.

The man said the dogs got out earlier in the day and that his fence got blown down by the hurricane.  The dogs were less than 2 blocks from home.  They couldn't find him  all day?  Couldn't get the fence fixed after a whole month went by?

Goodbye Dooley... sorry we had to meet like this.  Sorry your owner didn't care enough about you to get the fence fixed.  

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 9:40:32 AM EDT
He didn't care enough to tie them up, either.
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