Not to bad... Landed 5 eatin size Rainbows. Had another bite but couldn't get a hook set on him. I really wanted my creel limmit (6 in VA).
I stopped at this little out of the way stream I know that holds a good number of wild rianbows. When I fish that creek, its catch and release only for me.
Anyway, theres a little mom and pop kinda place there. I got some crub and walked out on this little bridge and watched some REAL trout playing and feeding. Their colors are so different. Bright red stripes, pink fins with little white tips on them. PERFECT. Its kinda like God's version of how a trout should look. Any expirenced trout fisherman knows exactly what Im talking about. Very rare in this area and Rainbows are not native here. Still, it did me a world of good to get to seem em.
When I figure out how to post pics, I get some up of some of the wild trout Ive landed and released.