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Posted: 1/1/2007 10:53:15 PM EDT
I'm at work tonight (11 pm - 7:30 am) and it's totally dead around here. Not Dawn of the Dead, which would be exciting (although I'd soon die, as I don't have access to many good weapons), just plain dead.

Except no patients are dead, which is good. Last time I worked this shift we had a guy brought in with multiple gunshot wounds, that case kept me running back and forth for blood and equipment and such.

But right now I'm bored and tired and I'm relying on this site to keep me awake and entertained until my shift is over. When I saw the "Server down" message, I was afraid it'd be down all night.

Welcome back, etc!
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 10:57:07 PM EDT
Yeah, as far as website downtime goes I think that was rather speedy.

Props to whoever was doing what...

Speaking of which, whatdja do?
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 11:06:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 12:09:59 AM EDT
Yea, but @ least they give you a cool "down time" logo to look @
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 1:08:46 AM EDT
I'm a surgical care partner, I run around for equipment and stuff. It's a good job for someone in my position, they work with my school schedule when the semester's going (right now I'm between semesters, so I'm working more), and I get to stand in the operating rooms and observe procedures. I've learned quite a lot here, all of it directly relevant to what I want to do as a career (surgery - not sure what specialty, although I'm leaning towards orthopedics or vascular work). I think what I've learned here will give me a leg up on the other first-year students when I start medical school in August.

Tonight, I've been here for more than six hours and there hasn't been a single patient on the operating floor the whole shift. Working nights is not what I prefer, day shift or evening shift is better, then I actually get to see some procedures. Well, at least working night shift isn't a regular thing for me; I'm covering for someone else, and won't be doing this again in the foreseeable future.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:18:14 AM EDT

I'm a surgical care partner, I run around for equipment and stuff. It's a good job for someone in my position, they work with my school schedule when the semester's going (right now I'm between semesters, so I'm working more), and I get to stand in the operating rooms and observe procedures. I've learned quite a lot here, all of it directly relevant to what I want to do as a career (surgery - not sure what specialty, although I'm leaning towards orthopedics or vascular work). I think what I've learned here will give me a leg up on the other first-year students when I start medical school in August.

Tonight, I've been here for more than six hours and there hasn't been a single patient on the operating floor the whole shift. Working nights is not what I prefer, day shift or evening shift is better, then I actually get to see some procedures. Well, at least working night shift isn't a regular thing for me; I'm covering for someone else, and won't be doing this again in the foreseeable future.

Currently I'm sitting in booking here @ the jail. Not a DAMN thing going on except a DUI they brought in earlier that blew a .306 (legal limit is .08 or greater) FYI .4 is like comatose I do believe. So I'm "watching" him detox (aka watching him sleep) and I've nothing but browse the AR forums for hmmm going on... 3 hours now. lol
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:51:49 AM EDT
Oh dear lord.  Another row of sponsors!  

ETA:  Ooooh and they randomly change positions too!!!
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