MacArthur was CooL
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MacArthur was a jackass! He always had his eye open for self-promotion which always seemed to be the larger goal in his mind. Some of his greater screw-ups in my opinion:
a) Let his Air Force in the Philippines be destroyed on the ground despite having just seen the exact thing happen in Pearl the day previously. Short and Kimmel were relieved of duty for the same "offense".
b) Allowed the US Army forces in Japan to let their fighting skills degrade to nearly zero. When put in front of the North Korean army, they were outfought and pushed back to the Pusan peninsula.
c) Troops home by Christmas? I don't think so.
d) The Chinese won't enter the war? Oops. My bad.
e) Failing to understand his position in the chain-of-command in relation to the Commander-in-Chief.
I'll credit him with Inchon and a solid island-hopping strategy against the Japanese, but on the whole, I'd rather have an Ike.