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Posted: 1/25/2009 7:38:56 AM EDT
It happens at every fucking gas station.  If the station actually has diesel motherfucking pumps that work, someone in their tiny Honda is using that ONE that fucking pumps gas to fill up.  Neverfuckingmind that there are eleven more empty gas fucking nozzles there, they use the only motherfucking one that also dispenses diesel.  So, instead of driving somewhere the fuck else, I figure that this woman will be fucking done soon.  It's a 10 gallon Honda tank, right?  So I sit in my running truck behind the fucking cunt's car.  This obviously upsets the shit out of her.  She is motioning like a crazy bitch at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.  I will not give her the compliment of explaining how much of an cum guzzling idiot she is to her, so I also motion to the unused GAS pumps scattered the fuck around.  In a huff the woman goes inside the store and spends ten motherfucking[/red] minutes buying a coke and sucking off the retard behind the counter[/red] before leaving and allowing me the luxury of pumping diesel.  Thus, in an otherwise deserted gas station, it takes me 45 minutes to fill up my truck.  Unbelievable.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:40:08 AM EDT
Welcome to 2009, it will get worse.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:42:40 AM EDT
the world is (now) full of idiots who just don't care or pay attention.
i predict it will peak at some point

ETA:  would you say that guy is a douche nozzle?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:44:12 AM EDT
1/10 very weak.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:44:19 AM EDT
In case you didn't hear, Obama is the president now. So wait your fucking turn. Besides, you shouldn't be driving a tree killing diesel anyway.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:45:19 AM EDT
We live in the times of "it's all about me". You don't have to look any farther than this very forum to see that. Sad, because if it's so evident here it's 2x as bad in regular society.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:46:13 AM EDT
totally agree
fucking assholes
I give 'em like 2 minutes, then I leave
Clearly there are other stations that are worth my time.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:47:16 AM EDT
Patience is a virtue...

If she would have given a gesture to use another pump, I would have taken 30 seconds and inform her of WHY I was sitting there with my hungry power stroke waiting for her to finish so next time she would not use the pump with the only green hose.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:47:19 AM EDT
1/10 very weak.

Will edit to suit you.  Please re-read OP.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:48:23 AM EDT
You sir just meet a Sheeple. Best be getting use to these dumb mother fuckers because they all seem to show up at gas stations and grocery stores!
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:48:26 AM EDT
In case you didn't hear, Obama is the president now. So wait your fucking turn. Besides, you shouldn't be driving a tree killing diesel anyway.

Oh ETA, I want a diesel truck. Gotta wait a bit though.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:49:06 AM EDT
In case you didn't hear, Obama is the president now. So wait your fucking turn. Besides, you shouldn't be driving a tree killing diesel anyway.

I disagree. It is peolpe like her who got us the Obi1

They go through life thinking of themselves and cannot understand why someone would be upset by this situation.

p.s. I am a diesl driver also and this has been going on for years
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:51:03 AM EDT
How in the hell is anyone supposed to know that is the only diesel pump?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:51:23 AM EDT
Welcome to PEAK STUPID......
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:55:35 AM EDT
I guess the world doesn't revolve around her, it revolves around you.

You desperately want everyone to agree with you and talk smack about this woman you think is an a-hole that you wasted your time to put this on the computer when the woman probably had no idea you were driving a diesel and needed that pump.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:55:36 AM EDT
How in the hell is anyone supposed to know that is the only diesel pump?

By getting their heads out of their ass and paying an iota of attention. If people would get out of their little microcosm every once in awhile the earth would operate a little smoother.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:57:03 AM EDT
Drop it in low and push her little hybrid hippymobile out of the way.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:58:16 AM EDT
How in the hell is anyone supposed to know that is the only diesel pump?

By getting their heads out of their ass and paying an iota of attention. If people would get out of their little microcosm every once in awhile the earth would operate a little smoother.

I'm sorry, it's not my job to scan all the pumps at every gas station before I decide to pump gas.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:00:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:01:13 AM EDT
My truck takes gas and I do try to avoid the diesel pump if possible.  
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:01:14 AM EDT
In case you didn't hear, Obama is the president now. So wait your fucking turn. Besides, you shouldn't be driving a tree killing diesel anyway.

No, now that Obama is president, he feels a sense of entitlement and thinks no one should use "his" pump just in case today is the great day that he makes an appearance at the gas station.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:04:10 AM EDT
i waited behind a guys van one day to pump diesel and he finally came out the store, then proceeded to organize his van!!!! THEN the mother fucker gets out and get this...... starts to  pump his god damn gas. i about ran him over go figure the van had a gov plate.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:06:12 AM EDT
 She is motioning at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.

As a fellow owner of an oil burner this would send me off the deep end.  Something like "YOU STUPID BITCH,  THIS IS A DIESEL! IF YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING NOTICED, THE PUMP YOU'RE PARKED AT IS THE ONLY DIESEL PUMP HERE! might come out of my mouth.

Actually, it would probably come out as:   I guess you didn't notice but this is a diesel truck and you're parked at the only diesel pump here.  Pointing at all the other GAS pumps only pisses me off more that you're at the only one I can use. (with as much "you're too stupid to pump gas attitude" as possible.)
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:06:12 AM EDT
This happens to me at least once a month.  Somehow, I have become used to having complete morons around me every goddamn where I go. It doesn't even bother me anymore.  

However, I do recall one instance where this nut-fucker was blocking the diesel pump with his Porche minivan.  He was wearing a long-sleaved pink polo button up shirt, pleated shorts, penny loafers and had a haircut like a televangelist.  You can't even phathom the thoughts that ran through my head as this was happening.  I would have loved to have taken a huge dump right on his windshield as he as casually strolling around in the gas station deciding which boutique bottled water to purchase.  

This is really annoying when there are no other stations that sell diesel around.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:08:41 AM EDT
It happens at every fucking gas station.  If the station actually has diesel motherfucking pumps that work, someone in their tiny Honda is using that ONE that fucking pumps gas to fill up.  Neverfuckingmind that there are eleven more empty gas fucking nozzles there, they use the only motherfucking one that also dispenses diesel.  So, instead of driving somewhere the fuck else, I figure that this woman will be fucking done soon.  It's a 10 gallon Honda tank, right?  So I sit in my running truck behind the fucking cunt's car.  This obviously upsets the shit out of her.  She is motioning like a crazy bitch at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.  I will not give her the compliment of explaining how much of an cum guzzling idiot she is to her, so I also motion to the unused GAS pumps scattered the fuck around.  In a huff the woman goes inside the store and spends ten
motherfucking[/red] minutes buying a coke and sucking off the retard behind the counter[/red] before leaving and allowing me the luxury of pumping diesel.  Thus, in an otherwise deserted gas station, it takes me 45 minutes to fill up my truck.  Unbelievable.

Preach it Brotha!  

I deal with the SAME shit when I fuel up my diesel as well.  Many times the clueless fucks will PARK thier little shitbox in front of the only diesel pump to go shop in the gas station...WTF

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:10:05 AM EDT
It happens at every fucking gas station.  If the station actually has diesel motherfucking pumps that work, someone in their tiny Honda is using that ONE that fucking pumps gas to fill up.  Neverfuckingmind that there are eleven more empty gas fucking nozzles there, they use the only motherfucking one that also dispenses diesel.  So, instead of driving somewhere the fuck else, I figure that this woman will be fucking done soon.  It's a 10 gallon Honda tank, right?  So I sit in my running truck behind the fucking cunt's car.  This obviously upsets the shit out of her.  She is motioning like a crazy bitch at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.  I will not give her the compliment of explaining how much of an cum guzzling idiot she is to her, so I also motion to the unused GAS pumps scattered the fuck around.  In a huff the woman goes inside the store and spends ten motherfucking[/red] minutes buying a coke and sucking off the retard behind the counter[/red] before leaving and allowing me the luxury of pumping diesel.  Thus, in an otherwise deserted gas station, it takes me 45 minutes to fill up my truck.  Unbelievable.

I see you found the F key......
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:11:10 AM EDT
In case you didn't hear, Obama is the president now. So wait your fucking turn. Besides, you shouldn't be driving a tree killing diesel anyway.

No, now that Obama is president, he feels a sense of entitlement and thinks no one should use "his" pump just in case today is the great day that he makes an appearance at the gas station.

Just wait a few months. I heard that Obama was just going to redistribute the fuel pumps by simply mixing the gas and diesel. That way everyone gets to use the same pumps and the environmentalists driving electric cars and the people too poor to have cars aren't affected but the middle class enviroment destroyers all get fucked.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:11:16 AM EDT
How in the hell is anyone supposed to know that is the only diesel pump?

By getting their heads out of their ass and paying an iota of attention. If people would get out of their little microcosm every once in awhile the earth would operate a little smoother.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:12:08 AM EDT
How in the hell is anyone supposed to know that is the only diesel pump?

By getting their heads out of their ass and paying an iota of attention. If people would get out of their little microcosm every once in awhile the earth would operate a little smoother.

I'm sorry, it's not my job to scan all the pumps at every gas station before I decide to pump gas.

It's not my job...

And I won't tell you as I watch you put diesel in your gas car. It's not my job.  

ETA: take out 'feel sorry', add 'tell you'.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:14:48 AM EDT
I hear ya, I went to the drive-thru the other day and there were people there! Don't they know I'm hungry? And when I tried to leave, the light was red and traffic was crossing right in front of me! I'm all like "You're obstructing my freedom of choice!" But those people just kept sitting at that red light. Morans!
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:14:48 AM EDT
Imagine the rage that guys who drive actual trucks for a living must feel when the diesel pump is being hogged by a hippie driving a Jetta TDI.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:16:31 AM EDT
How in the hell is anyone supposed to know that is the only diesel pump?

By getting their heads out of their ass and paying an iota of attention. If people would get out of their little microcosm every once in awhile the earth would operate a little smoother.

I'm sorry, it's not my job to scan all the pumps at every gas station before I decide to pump gas.

It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to realize that its a different color [99% of the time] than all the other pumps
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:21:01 AM EDT
Hope and change, baby.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:21:59 AM EDT
I pump my diesel from the 1000 gallon tank in my yard, but I do understand your frustration.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:23:39 AM EDT
This could have been resolved by telling the lady that her pump was the only diesel pump there and I bet she would have hurried up and moved.  

If I pull into an EMPTY gas station then I'm just going to use whatever pump is closest to me, I don't care if its a pump with diesel too or not, since the place is EMPTY.

(Interesting fact: Those diesel pumps also pump gasoline too, which means they are not "your diesel pump"!)

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:23:53 AM EDT
I can't remember the last time that happened to me, I guess I just fill up at times when they aren't busy or something.  But I do get trucks pull up and wait behind me and sometimes I wonder if they realize yes I am actually putting diesel in my VW.

To the people who say it's not your job to look at the pump, that's as dumb as saying it's not your job to go when the light turns green.  You can be an asshole or not, it's your choice.

As for the girl in the Honda, you would probably be better off to point out she's at the only pump with a big oily mess on the ground and she'll go "ewwwww" and run off to another pump next time.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:24:37 AM EDT
As a diesel owner I give a +1.
On the other hand, I try to fill up early in the morning to avoid this.
Isn't there a nozzle on the other side? Where I fill up you can fuel from either side. Its a pain because I have to turn around, but do-able.
45 minutes? I call BS.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:25:01 AM EDT
This could have been resolved by telling the lady that her pump was the only diesel pump there and I bet she would have hurried up and moved.  

That's true. Your actions are probably why she stayed in the store so long too.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:25:02 AM EDT
Diesel Fumes must kill a lot of brain cells.

This could have been resolved by telling the lady that her pump was the only diesel pump there and I bet she would have hurried up and moved.  

That's true. Your actions are probably why she stayed in the store so long too.

That would make too much sense, the OP wanted to rant and rave like a child, he seeks validation by posting about it on ARFCOM.

We are suppose to agree with him and give him atta boys for acting like a child in public.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:25:50 AM EDT
Yup, because everyone should be expected to be fully versed in the technical requirements of your vehicle.

Sounds like the OP is as self-centered as the woman he's whining about.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:26:51 AM EDT
This could have been resolved by telling the lady that her pump was the only diesel pump there and I bet she would have hurried up and moved.  

If I pull into an EMPTY gas station then I'm just going to use whatever pump is closest to me, I don't care if its a pump with diesel too or not, since the place is EMPTY.

(Interesting fact: Those diesel pumps also pump gasoline too, which means they are not "your diesel pump"!)

Wouldn't it be just as easy to roll on to the next pump?  Remember the other gas pumps are not diesel pumps.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:27:08 AM EDT
 She is motioning at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.

As a fellow owner of an oil burner this would send me off the deep end.  Something like "YOU STUPID BITCH,  THIS IS A DIESEL! IF YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING NOTICED, THE PUMP YOU'RE PARKED AT IS THE ONLY DIESEL PUMP HERE! might come out of my mouth.

Actually, it would probably come out as:   I guess you didn't notice but this is a diesel truck and you're parked at the only diesel pump here.  Pointing at all the other GAS pumps only pisses me off more that you're at the only one I can use. (with as much "you're too stupid to pump gas attitude" as possible.)

If that person was me and you kindly asked me to move and gave me a reason why, I would move.

If you came at me with that attitude I would take as long as possible just to spite you
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:27:09 AM EDT
For the slow learners in the back of the class––-the diesel pumps are usually on the outside lanes of the station. If you whip into one of the pumps on the end, more than likely you are at a diesel pump. All the interior pumps are gasoline, so if your car takes gas please use the pumps on the inside lanes.

Hope this helps. I'd do MS paint, but my skills are weak.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:30:00 AM EDT
Meh, I fill up at truck stops.
Separate pumps that deliever fuel FAST!

But I will agree, most folks have their heads up their asses.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:38:44 AM EDT
You know what I hate? I hate when you're following a vehicle into the gas station and there are 2 pumps open and it's obvious you're both getting gas and the motherfucker in the front stops at the first pump! Oh it gets better. Said fucking moron decides that not only will they stop at the first pump, it will really be in between the two pumps. So you really have no fucking choice but to get out of the vehicle and rip their fucking head off with a rusty spoon and drink the blood as it squirts out of the carotid. While the body is still warm, you use their vehicle to fuck said headless idiot up the ass in order for you to get the piece of shit, Obama bumper stickered cum stain, out of the way.

*Most of the above was in jest, I also ran out of steam near the end. I do hate those fuckers though.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:38:58 AM EDT
So good I had to say it twice.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:39:36 AM EDT
 She is motioning at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.

As a fellow owner of an oil burner this would send me off the deep end.  Something like "YOU STUPID BITCH,  THIS IS A DIESEL! IF YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING NOTICED, THE PUMP YOU'RE PARKED AT IS THE ONLY DIESEL PUMP HERE! might come out of my mouth.

Actually, it would probably come out as:   I guess you didn't notice but this is a diesel truck and you're parked at the only diesel pump here.  Pointing at all the other GAS pumps only pisses me off more that you're at the only one I can use. (with as much "you're too stupid to pump gas attitude" as possible.)

If that person was me and you kindly asked me to move and gave me a reason why, I would move.

If you came at me with that attitude I would take as long as possible just to spite you

I'd still be happy getting my point across.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:41:45 AM EDT
You know what I hate? I hate when you're following a vehicle into the gas station and there are 2 pumps open and it's obvious you're both getting gas and the motherfucker in the front stops at the first pump! Oh it gets better. Said fucking moron decides that not only will they stop at the first pump, it will really be in between the two pumps. So you really have no fucking choice but to get out of the vehicle and rip their fucking head off with a rusty spoon and drink the blood as it squirts out of the carotid. While the body is still warm, you use their vehicle to fuck said headless idiot up the ass in order for you to get the piece of shit, Obama bumper stickered cum stain, out of the way.

*Most of the above was in jest, I also ran out of steam near the end. I do hate those fuckers though.

You are so cute when you are angry.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:48:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:51:49 AM EDT
You should have bought a gas.  

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:52:10 AM EDT
 She is motioning at all the un-occupied pumps at the gas station since she is to stupid to know that the aural apocalypse coming from below my hood signifies a diesel engine.

As a fellow owner of an oil burner this would send me off the deep end.  Something like "YOU STUPID BITCH,  THIS IS A DIESEL! IF YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING NOTICED, THE PUMP YOU'RE PARKED AT IS THE ONLY DIESEL PUMP HERE! might come out of my mouth.

Actually, it would probably come out as:   I guess you didn't notice but this is a diesel truck and you're parked at the only diesel pump here.  Pointing at all the other GAS pumps only pisses me off more that you're at the only one I can use. (with as much "you're too stupid to pump gas attitude" as possible.)

If that person was me and you kindly asked me to move and gave me a reason why, I would move.

If you came at me with that attitude I would take as long as possible just to spite you

I'd still be happy getting my point across.

The point that you can't healthfully function within a society? [>:/]
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