This post is being written by my alter-ego, Tyler...
"S" and I started going out in HS over 11 years ago. I broke up with her when I was on my way to college. After about 3 weeks there, I realized I made a terrible mistake. When I tried to get back together with her, she said she didn't trust me, and that we (I) had alot of rebuilding to do.
I could have "went for it", but I was impatient. We didn't get back together then.
Fast forward a year. I still felt as though I had made a mistake, and missed her like Hell.
Joined the Navy. Still missed her. I had a few relationships. So did she.
We ALMOST got back together once. Before coming home on leave, we were writing again, reminising about the old days. When I got home on leave, "S" told me she was in love, and it was one of those things. This new guy was the one.
A year passes. I still feel as though she is "The one that got away...". She calls me, tells me she can't see them lasting, and she breaks it off.
I get out of the Navy (I was in for 6 years), and we get back together. She was at school finishing her masters. She finished her masters, and was accepted to stay on at that same school for her pHD. What does she do? DROPS that pHD program and takes on ONE hour from where I live/work. (This was a big sore spot too. She wanted my opinion on if she should stay at the original school or move, and I wasn't going to give it to her...) We have been together for almost 2 years now.
I don't know how I feel. On one hand, she has begun to drive me crazy. After about 1 weekend together, I am ready to head for home. If I am away from her for about 2 weeks, I miss her.
I DON'T want to get married. I have only seen about 3 good ones in my life. Everyone else I know that is married is miserable.
This weekend, she told me she thinks I love her, but I am not IN LOVE with her. (I am paraphrasing here...)
I told her (Sunday) I don't EVER want to get married. It is a retarded institution, and I can be AS, if not MORE dedicated to one person without all the hub bub.
Honestly, I don't know. I think what has kept me in this thing is the fact I remember how much I missed her all these years. Maybe I Do love her. Maybe I just,... I don't know. All I know is I don't know what to do.