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Poll: More women back tougher gun laws
By Joe Dwinell
Senior Executive City Editor/ Web
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The wave of grief washing over the nation in the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre is hitting women hardest, a new poll on gun control reveals.
Women were nearly twice as likely as men to say gun laws should be tightened, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll.
And more than half of all those polled said they are ashamed the Virginia Tech shootings could happen in this country.
The widespread mourning for the 32 students and faculty members slaughtered by Cho Seung-Hui stunned even hard-boiled crime veterans. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” said criminal profiler John Kelly.
Kelly, who has consulted on Bay State child murder cases, said investigators need to examine the “dynamics that made up this monster . . . to identify possible future shooters.”
Many Herald readers also thought the media were wrong to release the disburbing images of Cho’s rant, a Bostonherald.com poll shows.
Of the more than 1,110 votes, 45 percent said NBC was wrong to broadcast Cho’s “multimedia manifesto.” Another 23 percent said the images had to be shown because they were part of the tragedy.....