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Posted: 4/21/2017 4:28:25 PM EDT

French election farce: Polling card blunder means 500,000 people could vote TWICE and could spell peril for Marine Le Pen

- The first round of the French general election takes place April 23
- A "computer error" meant 500,000 duplicate ballot cards were sent to voters
- Marine Le Pen's hopes may have been dashed by overseas voters using both, a large French community in London reliant on EU laws could boost Macron
- Authorities say they would not be investigating potential vote fraud until after

the Left loves its vote fraud.

"Marine Le Pen's general election hopes could be in peril after it was revealed 500,000 voters outside of France were sent duplicate polling cards - giving a traditionally non-right wing electorate the chance to vote twice.
Because Le Pen's Front National party appeals to a conservative, domestic community the computer error could potentially see the politicians first round vote overshadowed by pro-EU double-voters.
French authorities confirmed they would not be investigating the potential electoral fraud until after the election, when retrospective prosecution may take place"
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:29:53 PM EDT
Bullshit it was some "computer error", that was on purpose.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:32:57 PM EDT
Could be an honest mistake since France is a relatively new country and hasn't had many elections to date.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:38:56 PM EDT
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Bullshit it was some "computer error", that was on purpose.
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Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:40:07 PM EDT
Another source published a day earlier from France is saying some ballots were sent to foreigners. 


But the electoral roll bug has not just resulted in duplicate ballot cards. It’s also apparently resulted in some foreigners, who normally wouldn’t have the right to vote, being sent a voting card.

I'm sure it was an honest mistake
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:45:54 PM EDT
Soros is really punching the globalist panic button...
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:46:32 PM EDT
Sounds like their version of finding ballots in the trunk of a car after the polls close.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:49:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:49:50 PM EDT
Communists and communist tricks are the same all over the world....
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 4:49:58 PM EDT
This is how they get to justify a do-over if they don't like how it turned out.  The globalists are learning from their mistakes in the US and Brexit thing.
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