Several years ago in Phoenix, somebody very close to me was involved in the shooting of a neighborhood crackhead scumbag named Rudy Buchanan. He was running around with a shotgun threatening people, and firing off shots. He was told SEVERAL times to drop the gun when he was surrounded, but he refused to do so. After the first volley from 13 officers, the dude went down but would still not let go of the shotgun, and they let him have it again. Over 80 rounds fired, and Ithink 30-something hit this gang-banging piece of human refuse. His dad came out of the house screaming "It's only birdshot, it's only birdshot!" What an idiot.
Went skiing in Flagstaff during the suspension!!
Of course, the local folks were outraged because he was shot PURELY because he was black. And the officers were blamed for not checking first if the shotgun was loaded with mere birdshot. But I think a 50% hit ratio is about what to expect.