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Posted: 10/31/2006 3:43:38 PM EDT
I'm convinced that the whole electronic voting thing is going to end up causing a MAJOR SHTF scenario.  Too much secrecy, too many ways to rig the tech and the process and not enough transparency from those pushing this shit down our throats.

What the fuck is wrong with a piece of paper, a pencil and a locked box?  Oh, I know it's not "modern" enough.    Give me a fucking break.  


Florida ballot terminals favor Republicans
Even when voters don't

By Thomas C Greene in Dublin
Published Tuesday 31st October 2006 13:15 GMT

Florida voters using electronic ballot machines are having persistent problems choosing Democrats in early elections, the Miami Herald reports.

The touch-screen gizmos seem strangely attracted to Republican candidates. One voter needed assistance from an election official, and even then, needed three tries to convince the machine that he wanted to vote for Democrat Jim Davis in the gubernatorial race, not his Republican opponent Charlie Crist.

Another voter who went Democrat across the board kept finding Republicans listed in the summary screen. He made repeated attempts until, finally, the machine registered his votes correctly, and he cast his ballot.

Yet another frustrated voter who complained of difficulties selecting a Democrat was told that the machine she was using had been troublesome. Poll workers fiddled with it for a bit, and then it seemed to work properly.

Apparently, this happens all the time. According to the Herald, "Broward County Supervisor of Elections spokeswoman Mary Cooney said it's not uncommon for screens on heavily used machines to slip out of sync, making votes register incorrectly. Poll workers are trained to recalibrate them on the spot - essentially, to realign the video screen with the electronics inside. The 15-step process is outlined in the poll-worker's manual."

Well that's a relief. Only we have to wonder, if the screens "slip out of sync," might other components do so as well? And why are poll workers permitted to fiddle with the machines?

Unfortunately, the article tells us little. It sounds as if the machines are of poor quality, but the paper neglects to mention the manufacturer(s) responsible for them. The elections supervisor's spokesperson seems altogether too comfortable with the notion that the machines are unreliable. 'They do that all the time?'

With early elections already underway, it looks as if Florida will again be in the headlines for the wrong reasons, as it so often is.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:46:41 PM EDT
Good. Anything it takes to beat the demoncraps. Heck, I would disenranchise anyone who votes demoncrap. They are socialists at best, hate the Constitution, promote sexual perversion, etc.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:48:55 PM EDT

Good. Anything it takes to beat the demoncraps. Heck, I would disenranchise anyone who votes demoncrap. They are socialists at best, hate the Constitution, promote sexual perversion, etc.

So you'd lower yourself to using their tactics in order to "win", making yourself no different from them in the process?

I really hope you simply missed putting a in your post.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:49:07 PM EDT

It sounds as if the machines are of poor quality

No, it's not poor quality.  You always have to calibrate touch screens.  Of course people want stylish rather than good so they buy voting equipment that doesn't work well.  It's the same reason people buy low-quality LCD monitors rather than buying a real CRT monitor.  They don't care about quality.  All they want is something stylish.z
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:49:34 PM EDT

Good. Anything it takes to beat the demoncraps. Heck, I would disenranchise anyone who votes demoncrap. They are socialists at best, hate the Constitution, promote sexual perversion, etc.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:49:53 PM EDT
It just means an inanimate object can reason.

ByteTheBullet  (-:
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:50:24 PM EDT
The actual article gives only two examples (i.e. named people who claim to have had problems).  That is far from sufficient to advance a claim that there is some kind of mysterious built-in glitch that always favors Republican candidates.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:53:37 PM EDT
It wouild seem that the machines really are poor quality if they need to be recalibrated that often.  That or, as we saw before, Florida Democrats have a hard time using anything more complicated than a pencil and a piece of paper.

But they could probably screw that up, too.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:54:18 PM EDT
Who was it that DEMANDED electronic voting machines? The Democrats.  They said it would avoid the hanging, dimpled, pregnant chad crap that they jumped up and down about.  Now they are going to claim these machines are bias, faulty, hacked or programmed to pick the candidate who they want to beat. It will be a big GOP conspiracy, masterminded by the likes of Karl Rove et al.  This is the the ramp up to the lawsuits and the claims of voter fraud.  The writing is already on the ballot box.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:56:47 PM EDT

Who was it that DEMANDED electronic voting machines? The Democrats.  They said it would avoid the hanging, dimpled, pregnant chad crap that they jumped up and down about.  Now they are going to claim these machines are bias, faulty, hacked or programmed to pick the candidate who they want to beat. It will be a big GOP conspiracy, masterminded by the likes of Karl Rove et al.  This is the the ramp up to the lawsuits and the claims of voter fraud.  The writing is already on the ballot box.


I predict that in every case where electronic voting is used and a Democrap loses, it will be the center of a frenzy created by the MSM and possibly a lawsuit claiming that the vote was "stolen".

You can quote me on this one.

ETA:  I've kept an eye on the bullshit surrounding them and the number of "irregularities" that have cropped up when the machines are used.  I simply don't trust them.  They are going to cause FAR more issues than they will EVER solve.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:57:41 PM EDT
The MSM is just spreading chum for the inevitable shitstorm if the Dems narrowly lose. They are lining things up to cast the election as rigged.

"See, we wrote about this a week ago, and look what has happened! Waah! Nobody listened to us!"

ETA: Ya beat me Airwolf
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:58:52 PM EDT

Quoted:...It will be a big GOP conspiracy, masterminded by the likes of Karl Rove et al.  This is the the ramp up to the lawsuits and the claims of voter fraud.  The writing is already on the ballot box.

The Conspiracy theorists are all over the map, ranging from "it takes just one programmer" to a vast army of stooges being coordinated by an inner circle that really knows what is going on.  There is no single coherent explanation of how such a plot could be carried out repeatedly over a period of several years, with not one conspirator ratting out the operation.

...I predict that in every case where electronic voting is used and a Democrap loses, it will be the center of a frenzy created by the MSM and possibly a lawsuit claiming that the vote was "stolen".

You can quote me on this one.

You surely won't go broke betting on that prediction, Airwolf.

In fact, it's already begun.

Cold linkage:  http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=2517060&mesg_id=2517060
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:02:26 PM EDT
This just in!

"Moron presses wrong button."

More fascinating news at 10:00! Stay tuned!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:02:52 PM EDT


Quoted:...It will be a big GOP conspiracy, masterminded by the likes of Karl Rove et al.  This is the the ramp up to the lawsuits and the claims of voter fraud.  The writing is already on the ballot box.

The Conspiracy theorists are all over the map, ranging from "it takes just one programmer" to a vast army of stooges being coordinated by an inner circle that really knows what is going on.  There is no single coherent explanation of how such a plot could be carried out repeatedly over a period of several years, with not one conspirator ratting out the operation.

Oh I agree.  I'm just pointing out what the DU crowd and MSM is going to say.  It would be funny and laughable if it wasn't so scary how they want to undermine the whole process.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:05:52 PM EDT
Funny, the Democrats were the ones pushing for modernization of the voting machines and doing away with punch cards.  I guess now the Republicans will make up for the 100 years of Chicago Democrat corruption
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:06:09 PM EDT
And the fall of democracy is upon us.

Is anyone surprised the problems are in FL? Seems like a theme for that state to me.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:07:28 PM EDT
Want to know what the difference between the Repub and Dem voters down there is?

The Dems are bitching about the machines fucking up and selecting Repub candidates, and teh Repubs are just going about and doin their thing, going back and doing things as many times as they have to until the machine gets it right.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:09:37 PM EDT

And the fall of democracy is upon us.

Is anyone surprised the problems are in FL? Seems like a theme for that state to me.

What is that supposed to mean? Democrats are dumb everywhere, not just S. FL.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:12:41 PM EDT

Good. Anything it takes to beat the demoncraps. Heck, I would disenranchise anyone who votes demoncrap. They are socialists at best, hate the Constitution, promote sexual perversion, etc.

Disenranchise? Is that where you take away their Hidden Valley?
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:12:56 PM EDT
I love it when a plan comes together

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:15:42 PM EDT

Good. Anything it takes to beat the demoncraps. Heck, I would disenranchise anyone who votes demoncrap. They are socialists at best, hate the Constitution, promote sexual perversion, etc.

Right on bro. One more reason why I like Alabama.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:19:36 PM EDT
Those are probably the same morons that couldn't figure out a butterly ballot.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:31:31 PM EDT

The wife and I went and voted today and both of us think that if a person cannot operate the electronic voting machines then they are too dumb to vote and shouldn't be allowed to.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:37:52 PM EDT
You will see court battles were the Dems lose for the next 10 to 20 years.  The birth rate by political party is majority republican now.  The Dems for 20 years have stood on the Pro abortion soap box and it has come back to haunt them. After 20 years of women doing just that it has left the Democrats with a sever shortage of new voters at the polls, which could leave them minority at the polls for the next two decades.  They finally acknoldged this was the reason they keep losing more City/State/Federal elections nationwide so arlier this year so they started telling their base to have children.  The problem there lays that the Dems need to get control so they can create more socialist services to create more free money for their base to encourage them to have more kids.

The forecast for the Democrat base voters is troubling.  It could take them 30 years to have enough children to become a majority at the polls again.  

I'll admit I don't normally go vote during midterms but I will be this year.  Our Democrat Governor Vilsack isn't running again.  The republican candidate is a hardliner on the illegal immigrant issue.  
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:40:02 PM EDT
touch screens have always been buggy.

you want electronic? Fine with me.  But use something that works and has been proven to work consistently. Buttons.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:40:31 PM EDT
Come on guys, these are the same dipshit, Florida Democrats that fucked up their paper ballot in the 2000 election.

If they couldn't figure out the arrow pointing to Gore then, they sure as hell cant figure out the touch screen pad pointing to which ever asshole they want to vote for this time.

I say fuck 'em.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:44:44 PM EDT
Lying pre-election bullshit
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:44:56 PM EDT
Hell, with Karl Rove, Diebold, Halliburton and the Illuminati working in our favor we can't lose.

I say it's Miller Time.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:52:12 PM EDT
I don't see why having electronic voting machines be reliable and having the vote be independently verifiable has to be a conservative vs. liberal or republican vs. democrat issue. It's just good common sense to expect the voting machines be reliable and also have an independent method to verify the vote. It can be anything but paper is an old reliable method.

In case people missed it a manufacturer of electronic voting machines is being investigated because the company is owned by 3 Venezualans. Hopefully, they're not friends of Hugo Chavez.

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