Situation: Any/All outright gun-ban bills,
including magazine bans, which are introduced in the House of Representatives must pass through the House Judiciary Committee before they can be scheduled for a vote by the Speaker of the House and voted on by the House. The House Judiciary Committee is chaired by a Republican, (Goodlatte) who has taken a stand against the ban. We must work to line up the remainder of the members against the ban as well. This is our first and possibly best chance to block any bill, by stopping it from leaving the committee.
Objective: Gather the constituents of the committee members and fill their in boxes with E-mails. At this time, I beleive we will have better effect if these E-mails are limited to mailings from constituents of the committee members, or at least to residents of their state. We wish to convince the committee members to vote against it in committee, and against it in the house should it be brought up for a vote.
House Judiciary Committee members can be seen here:
If you have a representative on the committee, please contact them, and then either post this information or a link to this thread in your hometown forum.
Please E-mail them, or call them, or both. You don't need to be long winded, and you don't need to make complex arguments, but
be sure to ask them to vote against both the "assault weapons" ban AND the 'magazine ban'.
If you do not have a representative on the committee but are from their state, please call them, announce that you are from their state but not their district, and briefly ask that they stand up for the rights of all residents of your state and our great nation.
If you do not have a representative from your state, please contact your senators, or the Speaker of the House.
IIRC, every single Republican member of the committee has an A rating from the NRA, while every single Democrat member has an F rating.