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Posted: 1/25/2009 1:49:56 PM EDT
What do you think about these?  Less secure than electronic key pad?  I would imagine the life span would be much shorter because the electronics would give out one day.  It seems like a good looking safe.

It is more expensive than its counterparts it seems, but I don't know a whole lot about small safes.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 1:50:48 PM EDT
What if I lose my finger?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 1:52:23 PM EDT
I would be hesitant to trust my valuables, and possibly my life, to a cheap Chinese fingerprint EPROM.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:16:17 PM EDT
Not necessarily that model, but the concept.  If there is a knockoff, there is an one that is quality product.  What about the concept?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:18:31 PM EDT

I work in the computer field and have one of these for my computer.

No way I would trust my life on it

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:21:48 PM EDT
Gotcha.  I was curious because I know you can buy a USB one for like 30 bucks or something like that.  What about advancements in that technology.  It says a lot that the technology has hit the common market, along w/ retinal and iris scan tech. What kind of tech development time before it is the quickest.  5 years?  10? 25?  It would seem very easy to widely integrate the technology.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:32:55 PM EDT
The power is out because its SHTF time.. They don't work for Crap when cold... What now??  Edit,, your from Al,,, nevermind,,  how about a humidity problem???  Get one with a Dial, good enough for Grandpa!!
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:36:52 PM EDT
What kind of life span is expected on electronic key pad technology?  How long before they go tits up?  I know a dial will last, however, I'm curious about the others if for nothing other than the sake of knowing.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:38:38 PM EDT
What if I lose my finger?

You could probably use a different finger, but even then you have a backup key right, not necessarily on this one..in theory you could program all of your fingers.  I would.  If you loose all your fingers, your probably in bad shape as is.  I suppose you could turn a dial w/ your nubs or your feet or mouth...might be hard to use a key.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:40:44 PM EDT
Gotcha.  I was curious because I know you can buy a USB one for like 30 bucks or something like that.  What about advancements in that technology.  It says a lot that the technology has hit the common market, along w/ retinal and iris scan tech. What kind of tech development time before it is the quickest.  5 years?  10? 25?  It would seem very easy to widely integrate the technology.

Every good one that I have seen still has an unlocking key that also comes with the safe or door.  Batteries also run down for the electronic part.

They also have a four digit numeric code that you enter to activate the fingerprint portion of the unlocking procedure.  That way an intruder needs more than a cut off finger to get what they want.

I have some biometric locks and they are pretty good....I wouldn't hesitate to get another one.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:40:56 PM EDT
What if I lose my finger?

You could probably use a different finger, but even then you have a backup key right, not necessarily on this one..in theory you could program all of your fingers.  I would.  If you loose all your fingers, your probably in bad shape as is.  I suppose you could turn a dial w/ your nubs or your feet or mouth...might be hard to use a key.

It'd be hard to use the gun at that point anyway.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 2:41:09 PM EDT
The power is out because its SHTF time.. They don't work for Crap when cold... What now??  Edit,, your from Al,,, nevermind,,  how about a humidity problem???  Get one with a Dial, good enough for Grandpa!!

Do they not? I know batteries don't work well when terribly cold, so burying it in the snow would be out..indoor use should be in moderate temperature range, but your right, not sure if i would want exposed to the elements.  I would imagine its not going to be good around water either.
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