What a dork!
Why did the banks make risky home loans? Because ACORN, SEIU, and other such groups got their Commie buddies in Congress (Barney Frank and company) to FORCE banks to give loans to people that otherwise couldn't get loans. The banks said to government, rightly so, OK, if you want these people to have home loans then YOU take the risk. Which is what happened.
So, why did the government go along with this? Because ACORN, SEIU, and other Commie groups delivered the votes to keep them in power. These Congressmen and Senators bought their votes with your and my tax dollars.
You don't remember the banks, and even bank presidents, being intimidated with protesters not only at the banks, but at their homes?
We were warned a number of times... I think it was 7 times that President Bush warned of impending problems in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, said these institutions needed to be reigned in, and then BAM! What was warned of happened.
No, it was not lack of regulation. It was government interference in the free market, forcing banks to give risky loans.