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Posted: 3/7/2001 11:48:18 PM EDT
Anybody catch any of this on PBS? Has to do with the proper placing of furniture, mirrors, plants, wind chimes, etc. to enhance the flow of energy in your home, office, property. Now, not having a big place to dwell in but wanting the best energy flow possible, I've decided to rearrange a few things. I'm placing some kind of a bush by my front door so people know that someone lives here. Also, to REALLY get the energy flowing, i'm installing a mirror on the ceiling above my bed. [sex]
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 1:07:08 AM EDT
The developers have been building proper Feng Shui homes in the South Bay (mostly San Jose, Milpitas, Fremont, etc.) for a few years now. The Chinese snap them up like hot cakes.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 2:56:36 AM EDT
I thumbed through a book about it.  Looked interesting, but I quickly realized that my layouts were consistent with good Feng Shui mainly because I had planned for good fields of fire, escape routes, and cover/concealment.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 4:14:12 AM EDT
Very good Liberty ship.  Hanging a gun above the bed is bad Feng Shui.  If you got hit by an earth quake, the gun fall on your head, goes off and shoot your lady.  Bad, bad, bad.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 4:33:15 AM EDT
How do you know if you have good Feng Shui? Besides paying some dufus to tell you. Is there a digital Feng Shui detector? How about a portable, battery operated Feng Shui generator? I see some marketing possibilities here.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 4:47:38 AM EDT
Is this pre or post feng shi*?
What a crock o' dookey.
They say not to allow your staircase to face the front door because all of the good energy and possibly your wife will leave the house.  This is not something I just made up.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 6:11:15 AM EDT
From what I know, Feng Shui is a serious concern for many home owners.  Many a real estate deals were probably lost due to bad Feng Shui.  And it isn't just the asians who are into this, there are quite a number of non-asians who use this believe as a guide.  

I'm not an expert at Feng Shui, but when  rainman installs the mirror on the ceiling above his bed, the energy will flow and [b]he will believe![/b]   [:D]


Link Posted: 3/10/2001 5:41:57 PM EDT
Was told Feng Shui literally means, "wind & water."

What's Feng Shui for AR's in the safe?
Link Posted: 3/10/2001 6:01:04 PM EDT
Is this pre or post feng shi*?
What a crock o' dookey.
They say not to allow your staircase to face the front door because all of the good energy and possibly your wife will leave the house.  This is not something I just made up.
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That's all that they do, and you didn't even charge us for it.

I was watching a show about it once (that makes me an expert)but I was forced to change the channel when the scheister said not to plant plants with pointy leaves because of bad "spiky chee."  I know... I just wouldn't understand.
Link Posted: 3/10/2001 6:16:43 PM EDT
Had a “Feng-Shui” expert over about two weeks, and  have implemented some of her recommendations (mirror on entrance, furniture, etc) she also gave us all our “Bagua” which is a drawing of how everything should be arranged in you life, cost $400 but others who have used her claim an overall improvement of their life (money, work, love, better well being, etc).  Will see if it works, I am a bit skeptical about it, but I did because  my wife is into.  I will keep you posted. By the way, she gave us 3 (per family member) 300 years old Chinese coins to carry on, supposedly will bring good luck.

Link Posted: 3/10/2001 7:14:37 PM EDT
I installed a bunch of #12 Romex to enhance the energy flow through my house. I bet it works better than any chinese mystic.
Link Posted: 3/10/2001 8:00:11 PM EDT
I exercise "SCHWING FREE" in my Life.  I have a girl with spiky chee's and no bagua.

There's an old saying in Scandahoovia---

"Tight Pu$$y, Loose Shoes and a Warm Place to $hit.  That's IT!"
Link Posted: 3/10/2001 8:32:54 PM EDT
I found out that my ex wife's sloppy housekeeping was messing with my feng shui. Got rid of her three years ago, and my fung schwing has been working just fine!
Link Posted: 3/10/2001 8:46:07 PM EDT
Feng shui?


Link Posted: 3/10/2001 8:58:43 PM EDT
Sounds like typical west-coast hippie yuppie new age bull$hit. About as useful as those quartz power crystals you can buy at the gas station to hang around your neck. I'll stick with 4 leaf clovers, rabbits feet, and drinking a tall glass of my own urine every morning. [:O]


Link Posted: 3/10/2001 9:01:23 PM EDT

  Feng Shui???


   After 24 years, I've finally got my "mojo" working, and now you guys hit me with this???

Link Posted: 3/10/2001 9:15:58 PM EDT
hey road dog: bad feng shui is that some type of food poisoning for rotten fish[:P]
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