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Posted: 4/10/2001 7:56:55 PM EDT
My buddy has a friend that is a felon.  This was something that had happened early in his  life and now he is finding the pleasurs of outdoor activities(hunting, fishing, camping).

He wants to know what laws (if any) for the state of Maine there is for a felon owning a Black Powder rifle or pistol...

I may be wrong, but since Muzzle loading guns can be bought through the mail and/or over the counter at any K-mart- Wallmart without a background check, I figured that he could own them....

Whats your opinions, experience, and known laws...  Remember that Felons CAN hunt in Maine, as long as somebody "holds" the gun for them while just walking through the woods...

Link Posted: 4/10/2001 8:42:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/10/2001 10:58:25 PM EDT
this is an interesting question, because blackpowder guns are considered 'non-guns', i dont have any idea, it would be a state issue and if the felony was many years ago then expunged might be the way to go.

tell him to look at it this way, he use this time to get involved in bow hunting and archery [:D]
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:00:56 AM EDT
Well guys, I hate to rain on your parade, but...

Here in Colorful Colorado felons can not own or hunt with ANY weapons. i.e., no firearms, no muzzle loaders and no archery equipment.

This is  STATE law and things might very well be different in Maine.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:05:49 AM EDT
even if you could own the muzzleloader i doubt you could get the blackpower or substitute
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 6:22:29 PM EDT
In NY if you are in the possession of black powder (or equivalent) and a muzzle loader you are in possession of a firearm.

If the "black powder" gun is a pistol or revolver you are required to register it on your pistol permit.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 6:42:30 PM EDT
WOW NY sucks...

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 9:08:29 PM EDT
NY is worse than kalif on blackpowder guns, its still cash and carry and no wait or check here (i think)
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 3:15:25 AM EDT
No, there is no NYS restriction on the purchase or possession as long as you don't have the components to fire the weapon in your possession.

NYC restricts the sale and possession along with BB/pellet guns and anything else that resembles a firearm.

Hey, in NJ you are required to register a BB or pellet pistol and you need a firearms ID card to purchase BB's/pellets!
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 6:38:00 PM EDT
Here is Louisiana a convicted felon can hunt with a muzzleloader.  As a game warden I recently ran across a guy who I knew was a felon.  He was hunting in the regular gun season with a muzzleloader.  When I stopped him the first thing we said was that the ATF had told him it was legal for him to hunt with a muzzleloader even as a convicted felon.  While I still had him there I called a local ATF agent I knew and asked him about it.  He said that there is no federal law prohibiting a felon from carry muzzleloader and that there is also no Louisiana law prohibiting it.  He did say that there are a couple of states that do prohibit it, but he couldn't remember which ones.

A convicted felon can apply to ATF to have their firearms rights restored after their debt to society has been paid and they have waited 10 years.
Link Posted: 4/15/2001 5:55:33 AM EDT
A convicted felon can apply to ATF to have their firearms rights restored after their debt to society has been paid and they have waited 10 years.
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I expect that would only have to do with the federal components of firearms rights to a felon.  He would still need to overcome any state restrictions, and there may not even be a vehicle to go about that at that particular state's level.
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