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Posted: 8/9/2011 7:01:03 PM EDT

There's not too many videos out there on the web showing these brutish beasts kicking up dust and creating shock waves in water. These look like Nevada ANG recce birds.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:02:34 PM EDT
Thanks for sharing this!  They are my favorite bird.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:02:46 PM EDT
Looks like a lead brick with engines trying to fly.. and just barely making it, until it gets some altitude that is.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:04:11 PM EDT
I like it
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:05:01 PM EDT
That was motherfucking AWESOME.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:09:38 PM EDT

When I was stationed at Osan AB (74-75) our ramp was right near the end of the taxiway and whenever there was an alert due to NK assclownism we were treated to a almost non stop show of F4's clawing up the runway under full AB...
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:09:52 PM EDT
That was motherfucking AWESOME.

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:12:53 PM EDT
Looks like a lead brick with engines trying to fly.. and just barely making it, until it gets some altitude that is.

Sageburner FTW
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:14:16 PM EDT
Fuckin tits man!
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:14:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:15:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:15:14 PM EDT
Awesome stuff. Too bad they had Van Hagar playing over it.

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:19:52 PM EDT
Not a real gun fighter
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:20:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:20:55 PM EDT
Those weren't shock waves in the water.  Not quite fast enough for that.
Note, the fastest passes at the end of the video are also the ones where the aircraft's agility is greatest.   It was in these faster passes

that the aircraft was closest to the speeds at which its maneuverability is greatest.     That range of speeds is called corner airspeed,

and while I don't know the corner airspeed of an F-4, on an F-16 it's between 330 and 440 knots with average loadouts.
When in the corner airspeed range, the plane is able to change attitude and direction faster than at any other speed range.  Below it,

you don't have the energy to get to maximum allowable Gs in turns, and above it,  you aren't allowed (or able) to exceed G and structural limits.
The F-4 is my favorite fighter not currently in service.
(Yeah, I know, it's properly an interceptor, not a fighter, by design, but it is what you use it as.)
You want a fast pass?  Well, here it is.
This appears to be a genuine supersonic pass.  

In Iraq and Afghanistan, during Desert Storm, and possibly during GWII, at times some US aircraft were employed to simply

fly over enemies at supersonic speeds,  using the shock waves to scare the daylights out of them and encourage them to surrender peacefully.

This was a successful technique.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:21:25 PM EDT
I can't deny or confirm a certain team members father hitting mach 1 over Loch Ness in the 1980's in an F-4D, evidentially you could get away with that stuff back in the day.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:21:48 PM EDT
Thanks for sharing this!  They are my favorite bird.

Great video. Thank you for posting. If I was dictator for life, we would still be flying them to bomb the goat fuckers we are fighting right now.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:22:58 PM EDT
I <3 Phantoms.

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:24:06 PM EDT
That was motherfucking AWESOME.



The F4 is the Musclecar of the Fighter jet world - big, swoopy looking without actually being aerodynamic, loud, big power & fast in a straight line. It's shit like this that makes me proud to be an American...
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:24:50 PM EDT
Love the F4

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:26:20 PM EDT
Nice vid
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:30:45 PM EDT
I loaded lots of nice shiny things on the Phantom
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:31:58 PM EDT
I was at Lake Powell a few weeks ago and witnessed the coolest ever flyby of an F-18.

Myself and a buddy were pulling our wives behind us on a tube when out of nowhere he says - "WTF IS THAT?!"  I look, and bingo- a F-18 bankin' down the channel.  Flew right over us, less than 200 feet over.  Banked to the right and followed the channel.  He had to be atleast 100feet BELOW the canyon walls driving over the lake- I felt like I was in the movie Independence Day - waiting for the aliens to come wizzing by next.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:32:12 PM EDT
That was awesome. I remember watching the TBirds when they flew the F4.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:34:26 PM EDT
Always loved the Phantom IIs.   Dad was flying them around the time I was born.   Might have to send him a couple of these videos.  

I remember talking to him about some of the stuff they did on that History show Dogfights.  There was one where a Phantom driver had a MiG on his tail and he couldn't shake him, so he pulled a maneuver that basically had the jet nose straight up and flat into oncoming air, causing it to depart.  Then (IIRC) when it started to fall, it rolls a couple times one way, then a couple times the other way, then gets nose down and enough airspeed to regain controlled flight.   Dad confirmed it would do that in that type of situation.  Pretty cool .
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:35:28 PM EDT
The F-4 is one sexy beast!
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:38:09 PM EDT
The F4 is the Musclecar of the Fighter jet world - big, swoopy looking without actually being aerodynamic, loud, big power & fast in a straight line. It's shit like this that makes me proud to be an American...

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:38:32 PM EDT
living proof of if you build a big enough engine, it will fly.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:39:45 PM EDT
Smoking Rhino for the win
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:41:34 PM EDT
Tag for an F4 story from my youth, will come later, I'm driving right now..
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:42:18 PM EDT
That bird is big, mean and loud.  Aint it great?!?!?!?!!!
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:43:34 PM EDT
If they had actually put a gun on it early in it's career we would not have had the problems in the air during the early part of the vietnam war.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:45:50 PM EDT
Somebody went below the hard deck.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:46:48 PM EDT
cool videos
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:55:05 PM EDT
Looks like 192nd Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron RF-4C's from Reno ANG.  You can catch the tail markings a few times in the video:

Awesome video!  Thanks for sharing the find!

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:58:00 PM EDT
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to have one of these, as a civillian, as a private aircraft?
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:00:33 PM EDT
I love the Phantom - but the editing of that video gave me epilepsy.  

And leprosy.

What'd the leper say to the prostitute?
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:03:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:05:15 PM EDT
There's a F14 Tomcat tribute video that uses the same music for part of it. I got ti from a direct link a long time ago but haven't found it on a streaming video host.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:07:35 PM EDT

Not a real gun fighter

Yep I...

Yep II...

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:10:31 PM EDT
Nice OP  Here's one from the "Dogfights" series "Gun kills of Vietnam".  I like listening to the actual radio chatter that was

recorded (starts at about 1min') as they shoot the '17 down.

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:13:18 PM EDT
I love the Phantom.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:24:56 PM EDT
That was motherfucking AWESOME.

Fuckin' A right, it was!!
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:40:08 PM EDT
That was Reno. They were flying over Pyramid Lake, looks like. I used to shoot just down the road from there all the time.

I had an office at the end of the south runway and lived in a direct line on the north end of same at the airport. Saw those guys fly a lot.

Never thought I'd say it, but I do miss Reno sometimes. Lived there 10 years.

Jim Gibbons was the commander of that unit for a while.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:46:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 8:51:17 PM EDT
That bird will always have a special place in my mind.  Loved them as a kid, and still do.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 6:20:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 6:55:33 AM EDT
In a perfect world, there would always be F4 Phantoms and F14 Tomcats in service.

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 6:59:20 AM EDT
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to have one of these, as a civillian, as a private aircraft?


Like this!?
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 7:12:35 AM EDT
Good find OP!
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 7:18:38 AM EDT
never mind
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