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Posted: 5/5/2004 7:02:16 AM EDT

"Tuesday, May 04, 2004
By Wendy McElroy
On May 9 -- Mother’s Day -- the “anti-gun” Million Mom March will gather on the West Lawn in D.C.

Meanwhile, the pro-gun Second Amendment Freedoms for Everyone (SAFER) will rally nearby. Both organizations claim to speak against gun violence and for children’s safety. Yet each espouses diametrically opposed positions on gun legislation.

A specific piece of legislation will be the focus of debate this year. Title XI of the Federal Violent Crime Control Act of 1994, which banned “assault weapons,” is due to expire in September. But the matter that is fundamentally at issue runs much deeper than any one piece of legislation. The basic question is whether private gun ownership is a constitutional and individual right, or a reckless practice that endangers society and children.

The symbolism of raising that question on Mother’s Day is clear. Each group is asking mothers to fulfill an obligation of every parent: to protect their children. The sincerity and passion on both sides is palpable but the pro-gun arguments are particularly compelling.

Go ahead and click on the link to let FOX know that pro-gun news sells more ads than anti-gun news. Also, the author links to a bunch of websites to make her point - including one prominently featuring the guns from AR15.com (an LEGP is the first rifle to show up) - so you just might see your own rifle on some of the links.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 7:10:21 AM EDT
Wow - I never thought I'd see such an article on a major news outlet!  Horrah for Fox News!  She deserves kudos.

I own an arsenal of guns (6 to be exact) and keep all but my handgun at my parent's house (since I have no reason to keep them in my apartment at Miami University, and also they're safer at home).  My younger siblings (ages 10, 12 and 14) know where they all are, but I don't have to worry because I've taught them all about gun safety, let them fire all of the guns (except for guns like the .308 which I think might hurt them), etc.  I am 100% sure that they will not play with the guns and load and fire one without asking.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:02:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:14:20 AM EDT
Definate thumbs-up to Fox
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:17:40 AM EDT
Excellent article - thanks for the link!
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:24:52 AM EDT
BR man that was a good post. I liked the content of the "assault weapons" link. That was great little page. I liked the little quiz too. I think I have a little webpage I need to forward to a few people in washington just fer shitzngiggles
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:34:54 AM EDT
That was great!
I sent her a thank you note.
Finally some one in the media that isn't pandering to the liberal idiots.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:37:00 AM EDT
The only thing I see wrong with the article is the promotion of the ASK campaign.  I don't have kids but if a kids mom asked me if I had guns and where I keep them etc I would probably tell her to bite me.  The rest of the article is very good though.
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