48x82 is not a standard size that you're going to find off the shelf at any box store. Most major companies that sell exterior doors can do that size, but a 48" frame width double panel is likely the narrowest that they will go, is likely going to be a "standard" size for them, but it will not be one that is available as on hand inventory, will have to be ordered which raises the price vs a "stock" item. To keep the price down you can do a wood exterior frame(instead of aluminum clad), but based on that price i'm guessing that's what you're doing already.
Only other suggestion would be to go to a place like Habitat for Humanity ReStore or a similiar architectural salvage yard and see if you can find a door panel that is the right size you could use, if you can find one without hinge routes or lock prep and do that yourself it would make installing it easier as you could prep it to match the frame.
Other option depending on your skill level and the exterior material(siding, stucco etc) is to reframe for a standard size product of 36x82 and shrink the opening to a standard single door size which will cut the price of the door, but require lots more work to frame then deal with the now smaller opening and making the exterior and interior look right.