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Posted: 8/18/2006 7:14:52 PM EDT
I occasionally hear people talking about how they are buying rifles, especially beater AR15's and AK's, to be their trunk gun.  What is the purpose of having a truck gun.

I do understand that rifles are much more effective than pistols and also that many people who carry trunk guns also carry pistols on them (if possible).

It seems to me that the length and location of a trunk gun would prevent it from being that useful unless you stop your car and engage the target.  Unless you are a police officer or trying to stop a potential crime, it seems that one of your greatest safety advantages in a car is your ability to get away from the trouble location.  A pistol can be useful for this purpose since it is still possible to draw it for self defense purposes while sitting in the car.

Is the main reason for carrying a trunk gun the possibility of the mother of SHTF situations (i.e. that SHTF and you are unable to even return to your house and retrieve any of your belongings)?  In that case, do the people that carry trunk guns also always have bug-out bags with them.  

I personally just don't see the purpose of always having a gun with you that in order to use, you would have to stop and get out of car to be able to use effectively instead of leaving the dangerous situation.  I am just curious as to why some people find them necessary for my own educational experience.

And one final note, I am not trying to bash those people that do carry a trunk gun, I am just curious as to why.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:16:37 PM EDT
It's just a nice thing to get stolen, or have the car stolen, your gun used in a crime. Or have it used in a crime and you get slammed for impropper storage or some other misc. laws.

A simple rule to keep in mind: If you can't have it on your person (besides range trips), LEAVE IT AT HOME.

EDIT: In a SHTF is that bad in which you can't handle the situation with your CCW, getting away, or going home, a 'truck gun' will not save your ass.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:17:17 PM EDT
The commies/zombies/haji attack and you can't get home.  You have to bug out now.

If you have a truck gun, you have a rifle to take with you.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:17:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:18:08 PM EDT
The idea has some merit, but personally I don't carry a trunk gun due to the high risk of theft. Not so worried about the $$$ loss, but the thought that I could arm some shithead.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:18:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:18:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:21:01 PM EDT

It's just a nice thing to get stolen, or have the car stolen, your gun used in a crime. Or have it used in a crime and you get slammed for impropper storage or some other misc. laws.

Which laws would those be, specifically?  I'm not familiar with Florida law.

I can see the usefulness.  Serious SHTF situation occurs while away from the home.  Naturally, I'd want to get home ASAP, but in the meantime I might get my trunk gun out and keep it on the passenger seat, in case things get real fucked up in the meantime.

Or perhaps I'm present when something like the Tyler courthouse shooting occurs.  I'm just stepping out of my vehicle and I see it going down.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:21:06 PM EDT
For me, it was a project gone overboard, like most of my projects.  I really wanted an AK underfolder, so I bought one.  Then I realized that it could be strapped to the underside of my back seat.  So I did it.  The odds of ever having to deploy it are slim to none in a life or death situation.  I guess to sum it up, I have it because I can.

And we can't forget the pics:
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:23:17 PM EDT



If you don't have a trunk gun, your poor trunk monkey will be totally defenseless against zombies or alien invasion.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:27:42 PM EDT
Damn, I knew my car was missing something.  

Where do I get a trunk monkey and how hard are they to train to use a rifle?
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:27:50 PM EDT
For the last 60 years, we all just kept them in the gun rack in the rear window above the pickup truck seat. Now, it's some kind of big deal or something.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:30:34 PM EDT
What else are you supposed to use to pull drive by shootings?  
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:32:14 PM EDT

For the last 60 years, we all just kept them in the gun rack in the rear window above the pickup truck seat. Now, it's some kind of big deal or something.

Apparently it's more than just a big deal.  It's frowned upon as being an invitation for crime or irresponsible to have a gun in your truck.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:32:57 PM EDT

For the last 60 years, we all just kept them in the gun rack in the rear window above the pickup truck seat. Now, it's some kind of big deal or something.

Back in high school I kept a rifle on the rack in the window. Now I wouldn't dare. It's a big "STEAL ME" sign in my opinion. I may or may not keep a rifle in my truck, though.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:33:24 PM EDT
It's just a nice thing to get stolen, or have the car stolen, your gun used in a crime. Or have it used in a crime and you get slammed for impropper storage or some other misc. laws.

Which laws would those be, specifically?  I'm not familiar with Florida law.

I can see the usefulness.  Serious SHTF situation occurs while away from the home.  Naturally, I'd want to get home ASAP, but in the meantime I might get my trunk gun out and keep it on the passenger seat, in case things get real fucked up in the meantime.

Or perhaps I'm present when something like the Tyler courthouse shooting occurs.  I'm just stepping out of my vehicle and I see it going down.

His response is not in accordance with any state laws to my knowledge. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with having a trunk gun, in fact, as someone who has lived through severe hurricanes and large scale looting it seems like a good idea.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:34:02 PM EDT
tyler texas.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:34:37 PM EDT


For the last 60 years, we all just kept them in the gun rack in the rear window above the pickup truck seat. Now, it's some kind of big deal or something.

Apparently it's more than just a big deal.  It's frowned upon as being an invitation for crime or irresponsible to have a gun in your truck.

Where do you live? I really want to know. Must be crime free.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:37:08 PM EDT

Where do you live? I really want to know. Must be crime free.

Explain to me how a concealed trunk gun invites crime.  That's the belief I'm refuting.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:38:36 PM EDT
To me it's more of a term . Just something you can sort of throw around and not worry about  denting or scratching. Not that I would but some guns are used and some are safe queens. A safe queen would not be a trunk/truck gun.SKSs and AKs fall into the truck/trunk gun catagory.
No,I wouldn't leave a firearm in a car unattended.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:39:21 PM EDT
euthanizing downed wildlife?  although the CCW would probably be good enough for that, unless someone hit a bear or moose with their truck.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:40:29 PM EDT

Damn, I knew my car was missing something.  

Where do I get a trunk monkey and how hard are they to train to use a rifle?

Tactical trunk monkey rifle training is no big deal.  I seem to have the most trouble trying to train him to transition from pistol to rifle at the appropriate time.  YMMV.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:40:45 PM EDT
Beats me, never had one, prolly never will.

I travel too much, cross state lines too much to even thing about it.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:44:21 PM EDT


His response is not in accordance with any state laws to my knowledge.

In 1989, Florida enacted legislation making it a misdemeanor crime to store or leave a loaded firearm within the "reach or easy access" of a minor. If some 17 y/o tweeker needs his fix, steals your vehicle or gun to use or sell, this may in fact fit the law. The law is rather loosey-goosey, which can be interpeted in many scary ways. There also may be local laws. It's better to check.

IMHO, there's nothing wrong with having a trunk gun

Depends: many places have 'safe storage laws'. They vary, but the main idea is you need multiple steps before a firearm is loaded and ready. A truck gun pretty much breaks that in every way.

In fact, as someone who has lived through severe hurricanes and large scale looting it seems like a good idea.

<=== I'm in Florida, I know hurricanes. Looters also know Florida post-hurricane. They get shot when they loot. It's a common joke here. Your area just needs a good repuation of shooting looters.

Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:46:18 PM EDT
what if you kept the rifle in the trunk, but the bolt and the ammo in the locked glovebox?
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:46:25 PM EDT

IMO, the chance of your car (and "trunk gun") getting stolen is about one bajillion times greater than ever  needing a rifle in a sudden SHTF scenario at the movies, work or grocery store. I don't like even leaving my mp3 player in my truck because of the hassle of having to go buy another one if my truck is stolen - let alone a firearm.

Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:48:13 PM EDT

In 1989, Florida enacted legislation making it a misdemeanor crime to store or leave a loaded firearm within the "reach or easy access" of a minor. If some 17 y/o tweeker needs his fix, steals your vehicle or gun to use or sell, this may in fact fit the law. The law is rather loosey-goosey, which can be interpeted in many scary ways. There also may be local laws. It's better to check.

That's fair.  So check before doing it.  That doesn't mean the blanket statement that it's inviting legal trouble stands.  It's legal in many states.

I know Cali's "safe storage law" does NOT apply if minors break into your home or vehicle.  I'd be surprised if Florida's is written in such a way that it applies in that scenario, but you should never underestimate the stupidity of the legal system.

Do you have references to Florida's law being interpreted in that way?  I'd like to know if it has; that'd be pretty lame.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:51:04 PM EDT


Where do you live? I really want to know. Must be crime free.

Explain to me how a concealed trunk gun invites crime.  That's the belief I'm refuting.

They in themselves don't. But the plan has MAJOR flaws. If your friends/family know you have a truck gun, loose lips sink ships. If some theif steals your vehicle or loots it and they find it, that explains itself. If a LEO searches your vehicle, innocent or not, chances are you may spend a night in your areas lock-up. Maybe even some stickers on your vehicle may say something about the contents of the vehicle to a theif.

There are multiple what-if's, but in the end, you have a looted vehicle, stolen rifle, and helped arm a criminal or got yourself locked up for the night.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:52:52 PM EDT

His response is not in accordance with any state laws to my knowledge.

In 1989, Florida enacted legislation making it a misdemeanor crime to store or leave a loaded firearm within the "reach or easy access" of a minor. If some 17 y/o tweeker needs his fix, steals your vehicle or gun to use or sell, this may in fact fit the law. The law is rather loosey-goosey, which can be interpeted in many scary ways. There also may be local laws. It's better to check.


IMHO, there's nothing wrong with having a trunk gun

Depends: many places have 'safe storage laws'. They vary, but the main idea is you need multiple steps before a firearm is loaded and ready. A truck gun pretty much breaks that in every way.


In fact, as someone who has lived through severe hurricanes and large scale looting it seems like a good idea.

<=== I'm in Florida, I know hurricanes. Looters also know Florida post-hurricane. They get shot when they loot. It's a common joke here. Your area just needs a good repuation of shooting looters. having
I tried to work on the reputation bit during Ivan, but the looters seemed smart enough to avoid the houses where there were men, particularly if they were young or armed.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:54:11 PM EDT


In 1989, Florida enacted legislation making it a misdemeanor crime to store or leave a loaded firearm within the "reach or easy access" of a minor. If some 17 y/o tweeker needs his fix, steals your vehicle or gun to use or sell, this may in fact fit the law. The law is rather loosey-goosey, which can be interpeted in many scary ways. There also may be local laws. It's better to check.

That's fair.  So check before doing it.  That doesn't mean the blanket statement that it's inviting legal trouble stands.  It's legal in many states.

I know Cali's "safe storage law" does NOT apply if minors break into your home or vehicle.  I'd be surprised if Florida's is written in such a way that it applies in that scenario, but you should never underestimate the stupidity of the legal system.

Do you have references to Florida's law being interpreted in that way?  I'd like to know if it has; that'd be pretty lame.

The only reason I mention it is because technicalities have jailed people for many years. You answered your own question to an extent about the legal system, it's just better to not push the limit and put your life in the hands of the govt. Just stay a good 10 ft from the line for your own good!
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:55:53 PM EDT

They in themselves don't. But the plan has MAJOR flaws. If your friends/family know you have a truck gun, loose lips sink ships. If some theif steals your vehicle or loots it and they find it, that explains itself. If a LEO searches your vehicle, innocent or not, chances are you may spend a night in your areas lock-up. Maybe even some stickers on your vehicle may say something about the contents of the vehicle to a theif.

I agree it has flaws.

If I had one, they wouldn't know.

Yup, that would suck.  Although I have a pretty clever hiding place, I wouldn't count on it.  Then again, I bet half the folks posting in this thread don't have gun safes in their houses.

Gonna have to call bullshit on that one.  Maybe where you live.  All states are different.  Where I live, the chances of me going to jail for it are almost nil.  If they're going to lock me up for that, they're going to find some other bullshit reason to lock me up, and the trunk gun makes no difference.

Nope, I specifically do not have any stickers on my vehicle that make it obvious I own guns, because I don't want to be followed and burglarized.

There are multiple what-if's, but in the end, you have a looted vehicle, stolen rifle, and helped arm a criminal or got yourself locked up for the night.

Uh, you just said they're what ifs, and then you make it sound as if they WILL happen.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 7:59:26 PM EDT

The only reason I mention it is because technicalities have jailed people for many years. You answered your own question to an extent about the legal system, it's just better to not push the limit and put your life in the hands of the govt. Just stay a good 10 ft from the line for your own good!

All sorts of shit gets people jailed.  You can't spend your whole life worrying about going to jail for something that's perfectly legal.  You're just as likely to get locked up for some non-gun-related bullshit if illegal incarceration is in your cards.

Seems to me you feel real strongly about this and really want to justify your stance with legal what ifs.  I think a better answer would be "I don't think it's the right thing for me."

Got a link to your state's safe storage law?  I'd like to know what it says, so I know what to do when I'm over your way.  I take it that you don't have a reference for someone actually going to jail over kids breaking into his car and stealing his guns.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 8:15:15 PM EDT
Remember New Orleans.

Note, the above is not a question.

Better to have and not need my friend...
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 8:27:08 PM EDT
It's so that if someone stuffs you in the trunk of your own car and drives you out somewhere with the intent of murdering you and dumping your body, you can greet them appropriately when they open your trunk.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 8:29:37 PM EDT
Mine's for killing people that might need killing so I can go home at night.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 9:08:55 PM EDT
I have kept a trunk gun since Tyler, Texas.

A sidearm is used to fight your way to a rifle.

I would have a gunrack but it would look pretty stupid in a Camry.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 9:15:46 PM EDT
Loxodonta africana

Elephas maximus
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 9:22:14 PM EDT
I choose not to, but that doesn't mean it's not right for other folks.  My gun is always with me and I don't leave anything in my Jeep.

Link Posted: 8/18/2006 9:25:39 PM EDT
I seriously doubt that Florida's "safe storage law" would apply to someone whose car was stolen or broken into.

By that standard, anyone whose gun was stolen in a burglary would also be guilty of the same crime.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 9:37:09 PM EDT

what if you kept the rifle in the trunk, but the bolt and the ammo in the locked glovebox?

If that is the way you are going to carry a trunk gun, why even bother
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 9:47:36 PM EDT
I like the idea of a trunk gun, especially out on road trips when a stranded vehicle will leave you out where there things that will stomp or eat you.

I'd pack something a little different if I were in an urban place...something a bit more geared towards social occasions.  

You are your best security, if the vehicle has to be out of sight for any length of time put the gun away or have some other form of security measures.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 10:49:16 PM EDT
In answer to the original question, my impression is that a ot of guys here are concerned that at some point they may have to defend themselves from gangs of marauding minority youths, closely followed by dreams of being able to save the world.

I'm not saying those are entirely outlandish, but the realistic probability of those circumstances are pretty small, for the vast majority of guys.  Not that some don't have necessary circumstances, but everybody all the time??

That said, I always have some kind of friend when I go out into the desert or similar hinterlands in CA.  But thats an unusual situation.  If I was to work regularly in El Segundo in one of the aerospace facilities I might consider one, but not because of the above listed expectations only, but in consideration that in the event of a major earthquake, getting home safe becomes a realistic effort.  And the most direct route from one of those facilities takes me past Nickerson Gardens.  But in my current job, I see no need to be armed and ready.  And I know I doubt I will see a deer, did see a good sized coyote in downtown Fullerton the other morning.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 10:56:48 PM EDT


It's just a nice thing to get stolen, or have the car stolen, your gun used in a crime. Or have it used in a crime and you get slammed for impropper storage or some other misc. laws.

Which laws would those be, specifically?  I'm not familiar with Florida law.

I can see the usefulness.  Serious SHTF situation occurs while away from the home.  Naturally, I'd want to get home ASAP, but in the meantime I might get my trunk gun out and keep it on the passenger seat, in case things get real fucked up in the meantime.

Or perhaps I'm present when something like the Tyler courthouse shooting occurs.  I'm just stepping out of my vehicle and I see it going down.

I swear to god it hurts me in my soul every time I think of the brave citizen
trying to defend his community all alone, bringing a handgun to a gunfight.
A centerfire rifle would've evened it out.

I have a hatchback myself.  My "Trunk" gun is in a sheath on the backside of the passenger
seat.  You would not know it was there if you looked.  As far as getting stolen,
my '92 Civic isn't on the high priority list, I think.  My M4gery doesn't take up much space at all, either.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 10:59:07 PM EDT


Where do you live? I really want to know. Must be crime free.

Explain to me how a concealed trunk gun invites crime.  That's the belief I'm refuting.

Because guns, in and of themselves invite and, encourage crime.

Link Posted: 8/18/2006 10:59:21 PM EDT
"What is the purpose of having a truck gun."

Ever heard if the North Hollywood shootout
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 11:01:31 PM EDT
Robert Wilson may have survived and removed the threat had he had a rifle handy.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 11:09:03 PM EDT

Robert Wilson may have survived and removed the threat had he had a rifle handy.


All I'm looking for is a "chance".

This is easially extrapilated out to "Somone explain the purpose of
CCW to me."

Same principal.  I don't knock somone that does not want to
have a longarm availiable.  I simply chose to have one availiable to me.
Plus, My weapons are active.  I don't have time for safe queens.
Not that safe queens are bad, I just don't see the use of spending
thousands on weapons that you don't get any use or application from.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 11:12:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 11:15:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 11:15:27 PM EDT
another "what's the purpose of a trunk gun"?

look up who shot back at the shooter in the tower at austin texas . most believe his scoped rifle was taken out by civvies with truck guns . they also forced him too keep low and only shoot from the the rain spouts.

I don't have a truck gun but I've been looking at either an SKS or a mosin nagant. 2 cheap reliable mill. surp. rifles.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 11:29:36 PM EDT
I bought a M44 to make into my truck/ trunk rifle-- well, as soon as I figure out a way to store it in a discreet manner, that is.
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