Posted By A_Free_Man:
Is the sheet "protected"?
Posted By NoVaGator:
Select the named range and then delete the range name in the name box
Tried that, no dice.
I can't answer your specific problem, but in my life I've come across a few occasions where an excel workbook was so colossally fucked the only solution was to copy and paste everything into a completely new workbook.
Given what I see in the screenshot, that will probably be a lot of copy and pasting and probably won't help in your specific situation.
IOW: I got nutthin. Don't use excel as a database. Use databases for databases. Good luck.
That's what I am thinking of doing. It's the boss' spreadsheet and he gave me free reign to revamp it, but I have to keep his basic format. There's probably 12 sheets or so in that book.
All sheets are different, too.
It's not a database though. And he wouldn't let me use anything other than Excel anyways, so there's no point in trying.