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Posted: 5/14/2002 11:50:25 AM EDT
I usually see tales of people using their CC handgun in a defense situation. I was wondering how many of the members have ever used their SEMI auto rifle in a defensive situation?
Since I am the creator of this thread I guess I'll start.

When I was 18(5 years ago) I was having a huge party for about a week(Mom was out of the US for work) anyway,the 3rd night into the party of the century the house was FULL and I mean packed to the gills with people! well a wanna-be gang of wiggers thought it was rude that one of thier firends ex-girlfriend was at my party,and the wanted to pay a visit. when they and 3 more cars full of more idiots showed up and they walked in my house uninvited ofcourse and started figting with a few of my friends who were drunk(about 3 guys to 1 of my friends who they were fighting)so they were quickly denied access by my AK47 with 75round drum.Now keep in mind I never really drank that much in my life and not that often do I drink now.I DID NOT drink while having a party just to make sure nothing messed up happened in my house,and to keep proper order I thought it was best to be sober.All of my other guns were locked up except this one becuase I was showing it to somone in my room in private at the time the meathead patrol came.

So when have you ever used one of your "AW" for defensive measures? And what did you use?
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 11:59:29 AM EDT
One should never use his Black Rifle for de fence. That's what Mosin-Nagants are for. Fence posts, that is.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 12:16:16 PM EDT
Everyday, as I live in LA. As for brandishing, no, you can get in a heap of trouble for brandishing.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:14:51 PM EDT
That is the problem with "brandishing a firearm" laws... most cops think that if a gun was seen by anyone, it is cause to arrest for brandishing.  So, a gun is not being used defensively unless you shoot someone?  

Never plead guilty to a brandishing charge, always insist the firearm was being used defensively.  Read your state laws on this, as "brandishing" varies from state to state, just as "concealed" does.

I have used my AR once, my Mini-14 once, both times no shots were fired.  One of those times the other person never saw the rifle, only heard the bolt slam shut and my words, "OK, Ready or not, LET's DANCE."  Problem went away.

Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:17:36 PM EDT
in michigan, the supremem court just ruled that "brandishing" is intentionally pointing or waving in a "menacing" manner.
for example, holding at port arms and charging the weapon is not brandishing, neither is "accidentally" letting your concealed pistol be unconcelaed as your coat"falls open".
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:22:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:27:31 PM EDT

Was it worth it?  No.  Would I do it again?  Yes.
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regardless of what happened YOU did the right thing, i don't know HOW many times i have gone to domestic situations where the woman has the shit beat out of her and turns on the officer who is arresting the "man she loves" these people just want to be abused their whole worthless lives, sleep well knowing that in that situation, YOU were the one who acted properly.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:35:27 PM EDT
I have many times.
I shot at thousands of people but I am not sure if any were killed by me, distance was too far away to tell.
I don't want to know.
This of course was during desert storm.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 2:08:42 PM EDT
I was arrested, but the charges were dropped conditionally, though my rifle was confiscated.
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Did you get your rifle back? If so, how long did it take? What kind of condition was it in?
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 2:25:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 2:33:48 PM EDT
Nope.  It became the property of the Washtenaw County, Michigan Sheriff's Department.  That was part of the agreement to have them drop the charges, and I couldn't buy any new weapons for 6 months.  They didn't confiscate any of my other weapons, though.
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Sounds like some responsible action on the part of the sheriff's department. "Give us your gun and we'll drop these bullshit charges."
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 2:35:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 3:38:00 PM EDT
If I ever did use it, when the police arrive they will se the fastest shooting .223 Rem 788, or a NEF 223 handyrifle ever made.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 4:19:27 PM EDT
I used my black rifle to halt a banzai charge by a large group of prarie dogs once.  Does that count?
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:26:11 PM EDT
I was out in the desert once, shooting my AR, when a dangerously suicidal, obviously mentally unstable coyote trotted by be when I blew this ridiculous-sounding coyote call. Does this count? (I blew the call, as a joke-not believing EVER that this thing would interest a coyote-about 2-3 minutes after we quit shooting to load up the mags.)
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 5:29:21 PM EDT

Kind of similar to Kpel308's incident
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:14:44 PM EDT
Not my AR-15 but my shotgun, I own a business, I was in the back office when I saw on the security cameras that we were been hold up with a gun, I grabbed my shot gun and walked to the front using an isle to the side of the store so that the A-hole was not able to see me, nobody saw me get to the front, when he had the money and turned around to run away I just simply took a step off the isle and I was right in front of him with my shotgun pointing at his face, believe it or not I said "I have always wondered what kind of damage this would do to a person's face", with that he cried and yes, he wet his pants, when the cops arrived he was happy to see them. After they left, that's when I got the shakes and did not sleep for about a week. But it was cool while it lasted.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:43:18 PM EDT
Nope.  It became the property of the Washtenaw County, Michigan Sheriff's Department.
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Note to self: Steer clear of Washtenaw County, MI.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:49:39 PM EDT
These posts are alot better than I thought they would be! Keep 'em coming!
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 8:05:11 PM EDT
No I have never used an AR15 but I did pull a 45 on a couple of dudes that were acting like they were going to do me some serious bodily harm. Like someone in a previous post said I never fired it or even really aimed it at them, just pulled it.

When punks see you are armed they usually decide to go jump somebody else...too bad this stuff never gets reported in the press.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 8:17:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 9:31:58 PM EDT
I was hunting coyotes out in the Arizona desert with my girlfriend (now my wife), when 3 of our finer Southern neighbors, probably here to collect their foodstamps and unemployment checks, decided that some white wampum might be just the thing to round out their day. Followed me around for miles, matched every turn I made, stayed about 500 yards behind me thinking I'm not noticing them in the dustcloud. Well I was, and I was leading them into an ambush. I hunt coyotes with a semi auto 243, dressed in camo clothes and a facemask, and that was what they found themselves staring at when they came around a bend. Did not say a thing to them, did not point the rifle at them, but my car was blocking the road at a point where they could not get around, and I think my body language was getting the message across. Came to a screeching halt, and a remarkably quick backup. Maybe they just wanted to bum a cigarette, but I have a rule. Out where there is no law, I am the law, and better safe than sorry. I have other hunting friends that tell similar stories, and noticed quite a few newspaper articles over the years of people murdered camping out in the desert. Nowadays I take my FAL along as well, it's a better car shredder than an AR15.  
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 10:19:35 PM EDT
No but along te same lines one night a few years ago I was not quite asleep and I heard someone going through the house... I could hear shit hit the floor like they were stumbling I knew something was up because I was the only one inside the house. I grabbed a golf club and ran across the house with it as fast as possible ready to swing as I got to the living room they must have saw me cause they went back through the window and ran across the gravel outside I could hear them running through the brush for a while. The house was pitch black I never saw them. I turned on the light and the window screen was laying on the floor. One other time I heard someone outside... I loaded my 10/22 but they never tryed to come in and nothing was taken but it scared the sjit out of me
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