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Posted: 2/16/2017 10:33:52 PM EDT

My buddy thankfully bought it but a few years back I had to sell my A1 clone with original Colt parts including barrel because I was hard up for cash.  He teases me all the time bringing it into the store :( I could prob build another but this was my first AR build. 
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:34:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:35:39 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:35:57 PM EDT
Sell?  What is this sell of which you speak?  Buy, or do not buy, there is no sell.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:37:01 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:37:16 PM EDT
I once bought a friends marlin 30-30. It was his grandfathers. It was beautiful. Smooth action. When I sold it back to him I was very sad but I told him I would sell it back when he had the cash.
That's the only gun I regret getting rid of. But it was the right reason
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:37:31 PM EDT
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Sell?  What is this sell of which you speak?  Buy, or do not buy, there is no sell.
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When its a matter of keep the gun or pay the bills....Well 
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:37:56 PM EDT
I sold a pretty mint Yugo SKS once. Felt bad right away. Never sold one since.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:38:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:38:41 PM EDT
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Sell?  What is this sell of which you speak?  Buy, or do not buy, there is no sell.
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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:38:41 PM EDT
Meh I have bought, sold and traded so many it would make most people's heads spin.  In the end it is just stuff.   I have a core collection of stuff I would never part with though.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:39:02 PM EDT
And that's why I don't sell guns (unless it's a Glock 19) or I get an upgraded model.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:39:16 PM EDT
regret selling my calico carbine before I got to shoot it. thinking about getting one again.  I feel bad if I sell one, like I have to buy 2-3 to make up for it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:39:42 PM EDT
Triangle folder 107. I got a sweet stamped patio pad poured for it in trade though. But it was a baller rifle. Took a Yeager class (gasp) with it years ago, before all the retardation really started.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:39:45 PM EDT
My old Mark I Detonics Combat Master. The finish was thrashed and I could never get it to run reliably on 230gr. JHP, but it was a classic.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:40:00 PM EDT
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Meh I have bought, sold and traded so many it would make most people's heads spin.  In the end it is just stuff.   I have a core collection of stuff I would never part with though.
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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:40:55 PM EDT

Everything I've sold I was more than happy to because I had found something that filled the role better.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:41:14 PM EDT
No you only get to control items in your very limited time of existence and none of those items are going with you after death..
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:42:34 PM EDT
Colt 9mm AR back in 1985-1986.

That's the one I want back.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:44:59 PM EDT
Yes I have and that is why I don't sell any of my guns anymore.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:45:16 PM EDT
Nope. Dad taught me to never sell a gun. I've luckily never found myself so far down that I had to defy that advice. Here's to hoping I never get there.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:46:47 PM EDT
Yep got rid of one that I wish I hadn't. Now days only sales those that I have no use of like Taurus. Got when it was cheap to help out a friend now got much much better and don't need it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:47:15 PM EDT
Let's see,

Polytech M14
Russian SKS
Swede Mauser carbine

No mas.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:47:59 PM EDT
Yes, GP100 stainless
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:49:23 PM EDT
Yep.  A few times.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:50:38 PM EDT
No because it was an M&P 9 fs. I celebrated by doing a burn out and used the $20 I got for it to buy gas.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:52:26 PM EDT
I've sold a few in order to fund other gun related stuff.  I always regret it.  I no longer sell guns, just buy.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:52:37 PM EDT
Yes.  S&W 4" 686 no-dash that I ordered before the 586/686 models were even out for sale.
Best. gun. ever.
Sold it to generate more cash for down payment on our house.  While the reason was good, I've kicked my ass since I walked out of the gunstore and am still kicking my ass.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:57:46 PM EDT
Noveske SPR.  It was one of the first they made (serial # 00200).  Money was tight, we needed tires and money for Christmas and I had just gone two months swinging two mortgages because our rental was vacant.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:58:10 PM EDT
Yeah....my first pistol...gp100 4" stainless last four of the serial number were 1776 why was I so stupid
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:00:02 PM EDT
Just a few Pythons.  I should have held out for more $$
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:00:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:00:55 PM EDT
HK P9. Still regret selling it even though it was long ago.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:01:54 PM EDT
I have been fortunate enough to never be in a position to need to sell a gun because I needed cash. Provided that I don't get blindsided by something in the future, I generally have no interest selling anything. The things I do own are things I wanted and invested some time and effort in researching and finding the best price. I usually don't buy guns on a whim, although there was one exception
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:03:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:04:09 PM EDT
Every single time.

Especially my P7M8.

Atually, I did not regret selling my pre-ban bushmaster dissy in 2001. Crazy that I got $3000 for it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:05:27 PM EDT
Never been in a position where I have HAD to sell something for cash, so I guess I am fortunate.

That said I have sold a few and had minor regrets but got over it pretty much immediately... for me to sell a gun it had to either not click with me at all or I took it in a trade on the basis of value and never really cared much about it. But nowadays most of the guns I buy are either weird limited run guns or no longer made, like specific PC S&Ws or whatever. I would not want to sell one of them because there is a decent chance I'd never see another.

Selling a G26 tomorrow... no idea how long I have had it and never shot it once.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:05:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:06:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:07:10 PM EDT
HK Mark 23. Sold it to purchase an engagement ring. Still married 17 years later, but man, I miss the Mark 23.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:07:26 PM EDT
No.  You can always buy another one just like it if you change your mind later.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:08:04 PM EDT
Yes, sold my BIL a Dan Wesson 357. He still won't sell it back.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:10:20 PM EDT
Nope, Never..

have gotten rid of a few safe queens and flipped the cash into shit I shoot...
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:11:05 PM EDT
I (guess I) sold an early Rem Mod Seven 7mm08 years ago. I sold a few rifles around that time and still can't believe I sold that one. Occasionally I think of some place it might be stashed and go and look. I replaced it about 5 years ago with a newer (more expensive) Seven but I still wish I had the old one.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:14:27 PM EDT
I had a heavily customized Remington 700 that I sold to pay medical bills when my first wife was sick in 2005.  I'm sure I had over $5k in it with gun/gunsmith fees/custom parts/scope and I sold it for $2k to avoid tapping savings.  Little did I know that I would deplete my savings and then some between that point and her death in 2007.  Regardless, it hurt like hell to take $2,000 for that rifle but I told myself that I would have another one of these days!  

Here it is 10 years later, and I am in the process of building a custom 700 again!  Only difference now is I don't plan to sell it to pay bills unless it is one of the last things that I have left of value.  Also, I'm doing most of the work myself, unless I decide that the barrel needs to be swapped.  I will require some tools or assistance with that part.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:16:58 PM EDT
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Meh I have bought, sold and traded so many it would make most people's heads spin.  In the end it is just stuff.   I have a core collection of stuff I would never part with though.
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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:54:02 PM EDT
Back in the early to mid 90's I was dirt poor living in a trailer ,3 miles down a gravel road. Saved money ever week and bought a new Delta Elite 10mm Colt. It was my only handgun for many years . I handloaded for it and installed a Dyer Group Gripper and 22 pound spring. Killed many a deer with it. I miss it greatly! My only other was my first carry gun , Beretta Centurion 92D , slick slide , super smooth double action only, made In Italy . I carried it for 10 or more years . Many have come and gone but I want these 2 back.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:55:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 12:00:12 AM EDT
Only gun I sold was a Springfield xdm compact, good riddance
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 12:01:29 AM EDT
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Nope. Dad taught me to never sell a gun. I've luckily never found myself so far down that I had to defy that advice. Here's to hoping I never get there.
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same here
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 12:04:43 AM EDT
Moved three times in three years when me and my wife first started living together. Second move required a down payment on a house as rent was going to be $1500/mo and a mortgage came to $1100/mo. Got knocked up right after move #3. Sold a lot to pay for bills to keep debts down and savings intact.I do miss some stuff like my shorty vz58, and my 12.5" 870 clone.
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