Whats all that white stuff doing on his car? Did the Stay Puft Marshmellow man blow a load on it?
That is called "Snow." It's found mostly north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Basically what happens is, someone up in the sky decides to totally fuck with everyone's day and drops frozin water on everybody. Sometimes it sticks around for days and weeks; other times it just lasts long enough to cause body damage to people's cars.
It isn't all bad, though; it helps to separate the competent from the incompetent. The competent manage to keep driving; the "others" git their stuff fucked up.
Oh yea! I remember now!
I have only seen it once when I went Skiing in Colorado...
it didn't ruin my day! I have never had so much fun!
To tell the truth, I've never experienced that much snow either (I grew up in So California) except on one memorable trip to Mammoth Mountain to go skiing. GREAT condx! We got there as it was really starting to snow; next morning it'd dropped at least 36", and this was in the lodge's parking lot; it'd dropped over five feet at higher elevations!
My buddy handed me this funny tool, it had a handle at one end and a big blade at the other... he called it a "Snow Shovel." He explained that if we looked like we were stranded, they'd tow us out (this was in the days when they let you overnight in the lodge's parking lot).
so I got a nice big lane shoveled out behind the van... and went to breakfast... when we returned I learned about the perversity of snow plow drivers.