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Posted: 8/13/2011 5:52:41 AM EDT
Normally I don't do this but I called in a plate on a driver yesterday as they nearly caused a 3 car wreck the first time. She cut over 3 lanes without signaling in the center lane she almost clipped a F350. Left hand lane she about hit me merging over. And her speed was about 55 - 60 in a 40.

Part of me still feels like I should have left it alone but at the same time it's people like that who kill fellow drivers and cause insurance rates spikes.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:27:40 AM EDT
I called in to report a drunk driver once.   Un-invited guest at a party I was at drove away drunk. They caught them too.  I smiled.  

However, I'd do it to anybody up to my mother.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:37:59 AM EDT
I called in a DUI driver once when i was living in Cali.  About 1230am, driver was doing about 20 in the right lane on the highway.  He was struggling to stay off the shoulder.  Then he makes a left 60 degree turn headed to the other side and nearly kills that concrete divider.  I called 911 and the CHP dispatcher took my info.  I tried to stay with him for a few min to make sure he didn't kill someone.  Just as I went past him a CHP officer called my cell phone and was enroute to locate him.  But all I had to go by were headlights in my mirror.   Other cars had come up so I couldn't be positive.  I don't know if they ever got him that night.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:39:36 AM EDT
Yes, a guy in front of me was throwing beer bottles at my car while weaving through all lanes of traffic on interstate 5 in California. Cops never showed.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:41:25 AM EDT
Quit going 55 in the fast lane and I wouldn't have to do these things.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:42:07 AM EDT
Two assholes in a delivery straight job.  Driving the yellow line and would not let me pass.  I could see the shotgun rider checking his mirror.  Asshats had a 1-800 number on back.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:44:38 AM EDT
Yes an Indiana State Police Trooper. He was driving like he was protecting the POTUS while running radar. His antics made 18 wheelers lock up their brakes and boil tire smoke.  All my shit ended in the floor.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:47:13 AM EDT
Yes I have.  Called *78 (I think) while driving behind a drunk driver on I95 North of Jacksonville one night.  Driver was so drunk that nobody even tried to pass him/her even though he/she was only driving about 50 mph.  Driver turned off on the same ramp that I did so I stayed on the line with the dispatcher.  She said that a State Trooper was enroute.  I saw the Trooper pass me and told the dispatcher that the trooper was right beside the DD.  He dropped back, pulled behind the car and hit his lights.

I drove the rest of the way home on a safer road.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:47:22 AM EDT
Two assholes in a delivery straight job.  Driving the yellow line and would not let me pass.  I could see the shotgun rider checking his mirror.  Asshats had a 1-800 number on back.

I forgot abou that polite trucker who road raged me.  They located him on satellite while I spoke with them.  I think he found a new job.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:53:21 AM EDT
Yeah, followed him uptil the cops got there.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:55:57 AM EDT
There was a guy in a truck weaving in and out of traffic on a rural two lane highway.  He was either drunk or an asshole.  I think both, honestly.  

Called him in but not sure whatever happened to him.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:58:47 AM EDT
I called my own brother in for drunk driving after he
left a hospital with a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit. I prayed he would get caught so he would have to go for court mandated treatment. He didn't and died last year from advanced cirrhosis of the liver.

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Link Posted: 8/13/2011 7:02:16 AM EDT
I've called in obviously drunk people before. I stay out of others business but when you're sharing the road with me, oncoming traffic, the sidewalk, and anything else within swerving distance and doing 15 under, I'm going to call. I don't like sending my truck to the body shop because you were too stupid to stop drinking before you were completely shit faced.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 7:23:28 AM EDT
The only reckless drivers I have seen that rose to the level of needing to be reported were police officers.  The last one I reported was a member of the Georgia State Patrol.  *GSP is your friend.  And I know it does work because about 100-150 miles down the interstate I caught up with the same guy that was previously going 100+ MPH.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 9:10:37 AM EDT
Ive called in a few people who seemed to be intoxicated.

The other day I had some guy in a Presto-X truck blow a stop sign and pull out

in front of me to beat me to a red light.

I called his employer and let them know. If I hadnt been so close, I wouldnt have given a rats ass.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 9:30:00 AM EDT
Only by calling a company's work truck in. Guy was scaring the shit out of me by passing me and others in the emergency lane and going way over the speed limit. The company wanted my name and #, pfft, I told them anonymous called.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:49:03 PM EDT
Yep, called one in a few years ago that was weaving all over I-89.  Called the State Police, told them where I had picked the impaired driver up, the plate number, and gave them a running commentary along the way.  "Crossed the dotted line at mile marker X.X, now in the breakdown lane crossing the rumble strip at mile marker X.X, cut off a tractor-trailer rig,etc.".  Saw the Trooper parked in a turnaround, flashed my headlights at him as I approached him, and pointed to the car in front of me as I passed him.  Trooper came out, caught up to us, and stayed in the left lane just a bit behind me.  As soon as the Mustang drifted partway into the passing lane, and back into the right hand lane, the overheads came on, and the Mustang got pulled over.


Link Posted: 8/13/2011 1:58:55 PM EDT
Called in a DUI once.  I feel terrible about it because the guy hadn't been drinking.  He was just tired.z

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:15:22 PM EDT
Called in some lady in an SUV that was speeding and throw out a full coke can.  I was following my brother driving home for school for the summer, the can bounced over him and hit the front underside of my car.  Called her in, talked on the phone some.  Few minutes later we passed a patrol car going the opposite way that slammed on its brakes, crossed the median, and caught up to her.  She got at least a $1000 dollar ticket for littering in a National Park and whatever the reckless driving part was.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:29:47 PM EDT
At first I thought the title read, 'ever been called a reckless driver.' I'm 'playful' when I drive. I like to taunt people with cell phones via driving habits. Entertaining.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:31:26 PM EDT


At first I thought the title read, 'ever been called a reckless driver.' I'm 'playful' when I drive. I like to taunt people with cell phones via driving habits. Entertaining.

What's wrong with you?

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:33:35 PM EDT
People going 10 under in the fast lane on cell phones.

ETA: I'm not wreckless, I'm cautious, but I can be a tad aggressive in certain situations.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:36:03 PM EDT
Yep, called in a drunk driver going N on I-65 in Southern Indiana.  Person was all over the road.  She got off on my exit and the proceeded to get back on the interstate heading the wrong way.  Cops were there quickly.  Cop apparently talked to my mom the next day to say thanks for calling it in.  The lady didnt even know what state she was in.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:37:19 PM EDT
I called in a small SUV literally riding on the bumper of other vehicles going down I40 towards Memphis.... at about 11pm with no headlights whatsoever. The TNHP never could catch up and the "Cocaine Cowboys" right as you get into Memphis didn't even bat an eye as this guy drove by.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:38:20 PM EDT
Yes, a car driving down the wrong lane and wrong direction on a 4 lane divided highway. They had no idea apparently and the road was very hilly and curvy. Afraid they were going to hit someone head on.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:39:27 PM EDT
Once. One my way home, some idiot came blasting through a 4 way intersection doing about 60 just as I was about ready to make my turn. I just happened to see the fool in time to avoid getting T-boned in the driver's side door. Not only didn't this person not bother stopping or even slowing down, they never even so much as glanced to see if anyone else was entering the 4 way.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:39:55 PM EDT


Normally I don't do this but I called in a plate on a driver yesterday as they nearly caused a 3 car wreck the first time. She cut over 3 lanes without signaling in the center lane she almost clipped a F350. Left hand lane she about hit me merging over. And her speed was about 55 - 60 in a 40.

Part of me still feels like I should have left it alone but at the same time it's people like that who kill fellow drivers and cause insurance rates spikes.

No, because while I see reportable shit nearly every day, what are they going to do about it?

Where I live, they won't even come take a report on a hit and run.

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:44:50 PM EDT
Once,  but I was kind of more worried that the guy was diabetic or something...    Almost hit numerous cars in the interstate..        called it in,  then stayed back..    he eventually stopped at a rest stop..  he as just falling asleep
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