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Posted: 1/2/2007 2:19:13 PM EDT
This is the godd*****est thing I've seen in my fucking life.   I've seen a number of these Ad Council and EDF ads lately which pisses me to no end but this one has gone way too FN far!!  Little kids all saying "tick, tick, tick", like a bomb that is about to blow.

First I resent the Hell out of govt. wasting my GD money on ANY leftist propaganda whatsoever (you've got our GD kids from the time they are 4 years old until they graduate college can't you govt. retards get them indoctrinated in 20 years???) and in particular something as obviously phony as GW!!!  Our GD govt. is so FN out of control!!  Our tyrants are going to ram this Global Warming bullshit down our throats one way or another.

The ad I saw a few minutes ago was on Seinfeld which ain't FN cheap!  At least the bastards used to run their propaganda crap after midnight.  Plus the DOT is a sponsor of the Atlanta Thrashers!!  Every TV game is unwatchable due to all the 'scare tactic' DWI warnings.  
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:28:27 PM EDT
I like the promos our cable company runs for Gore's ditch for relevancy "the uncomfortable truth"... like it's an actual documentary, instead of an op-ed piece..
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:31:50 PM EDT
I really got sick and MAD when they showed kids dying from aids... bullshit, that money is to save queers.  Also, I don't see those fuckers protesting ABORTION.  Guess they don't care about those kids.  
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:41:06 PM EDT
I see a revolution.  Things are totally out of control.  Sign me up!
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:44:19 PM EDT

I really got sick and MAD when they showed kids dying from aids... bullshit, that money is to save queers.  Also, I don't see those fuckers protesting ABORTION.  Guess they don't care about those kids.  

Black/brown kids or white kids?

Black/brown kids is factually accurate - the problem in Africa and Asia is not homosexuality, but promiscuous heterosexuality, 3rd-world sexual customs (esp Africa), and 3rd-world medicine...

AIDS stopped being a 'gay disease' in the 90s....
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 2:46:05 PM EDT
They just ran another one with a man standing on a railroad track saying something about '30 years', then he steps out of the way and there is a small child and a train about to obliterate her ass.   This shit is sick.   The Robertson Foundation is the other sponsor.

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