WALKERVILLE — After months of controversy surrounding the fire department’s budget, Walkerville firefighters and medical responders
have announced that they will “walk off the job” next week if officials
do not adopt a budget so the department can continue operations.
“The firefighters and medical responders met tonight (Monday, April 17) and have notified us that they are all walking off the job on the
27th if we have no money to operate on,” states a post on the
Walkerville Area Fire and Rescue Facebook page.
The fire department is operated by the fire authority, which includes four
different municipalities — Leavitt, Colfax and Elbridge townships and
the Village of Walkerville. Members of the fire authority board include
two members of each incorporating unit.
Fire department Administrator Jerry Frick, who had been the fire chief for 35 years and has been on the department for over 50 years, has been
the target of accusations by officials regarding the budget. However,
the firefighters stand behind Frick and believe he is being unfairly
In the meantime, as the fire department has no funds, Frick has paid some of the department’s bills out of his own pocket in order to keep it
in operation, Amador and Assistant Fire Chief Al Purdy told OCP last
week. Jerry and his wife Verla paid the $400 electric bill, which was
past due, they said. The electricity was within days of being shut off,
they said. The couple also paid the department’s minimum payment on its
credit card, they said.
The department’s fuel tank is empty, Amador said, so the fire trucks cannot be refueled until funds are
available. Also, the volunteer firefighters, who get paid per run as a
form of reimbursement for their time and expenses, were supposed to be
paid April 15, and thus far no one has received a check.
A fire board meeting is set for Saturday, April 22, at 9 a.m. at the
Elbridge Township Hall. It is one of several meetings that have taken
place over the last few months regarding the fire department’s budget. A
few of the meetings were attended by uniformed officers of the Oceana
County Sheriff’s Office due to the potential of violence erupting