Quoted: And, exactly what is wrong with this? What would an Athiest swear his/her oath on, or a Jew, or a Buddhist, or . . . ? Personally, I would do it on the Constitution of the United States.
Why is it that too many people assume the US is a Christian nation? Unlike many countries, we don't have a state religion.
Dave. |
This nation was created from day 1 under the Judeo-Christian philosophy. All of the founding fathers were of the Christian or Jewish persuasion. (Mostly Christian.)
At the time this country was founded, the Crusades were a not-too-distant memory, relatively speaking. (About the same as the Civil war is for us today.)
Jefferson had a Koran for one reason: Know Thy Enemy.
At the time, I believe that Thomas Jefferson and the other founders of this country didn't even see Islam as a distant threat to the US or our fundamentally CHRISTIAN-ORIENTED way of life. And even though this country was founded on the principle of freedom of
religion, I most seriously doubt that it would have been intended to include islam if
it had been seriously considered.
Islam has several features that make it particularly dangerous. One is that whether
by declared intent or by circumstances, when it becomes ascendant in a country, it
becomes embedded in government and then that government makes Islam not just
a religion, but the law of the land.
That is reason enough to fight it, by force of arms.
Islam also does not "play well with others" when it comes to religions. The stance of
the Koran is that all who are not Islamic are to be converted, enslaved, or killed.
This is not a religion that is at all compatible with my most deeply held fundamental beliefs. I resist any attempt to "normalize" it.
Certainly there are moderate Muslims, and I'm not worried about them...not much, anyway.
But those who are NOT moderate, are cause for concern. You'd be a fool to believe otherwise.
If you're not one of THEM, THEY want to change that. If they can't, they will make
your life shorter and/or unpleasant, if they can.
Radical Islam is CERTAINLY the enemy of America as it was envisioned to be by the
founding fathers of this country.