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Posted: 7/22/2010 5:33:15 AM EDT
This thought has gone back and forth in my head over and over.  I think my primary reason for spending so much time on arfcom is because so many of you think like I do politically.  It's nice to be in agreement on some basic issues before having discussion.  I'm sure that goes without saying.

It seems to me that there are way too many Americans who are completely ignorant on the Constitution, our system, the republic, individualism, freedom to fail, federalism, liberty, you get the idea.  The only reason I've come to any kind of understanding on the basic principles of liberty is being a history nerd and a LOT of reading.  I've seen organizations from the Tea Party to the John Birch society (this is not about them so just hang with me to my point here) talk about educating everyone on these points, BUT they are failing.  They have a convert or two here or there but for the most part, it's not working.  

When I talk to people one on one about many of these things, I find agreement (maybe because I live in south Texas), but that is only after a long talk.  Is there any kind of answer to a "nationwide" education of people in order to save the dying (already dead?) republic?  What do you think?
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