While EFAD was a pretty good read, you can tell that Bracken has polished his writing skills. This book is hard to put down (My copy came Friday and I didn't get squat done all weekend).
It's good for giving people an exposure to liberation theology (twisting Jesus' teachings to preach Marxism), the real Che Guevera (murdering commie thug) , and the Animal Farm behavior of socialist/communist elites.
He also does a good job of illustrating the insanity of the hypersensitive, politically correct diversity crap that is permeating out media and government. In my dictionary, Political correctness is creating a wall of fear that defends the indefensible. Rather than metting criticism with reason and logic, criticism is not allowed. Period. The parts of the book that go into that area are frustrating for the reader as well as the character subjected to them.
He gives us a closer look at our enemies, their goals, their disdain for America, and their ruthlessness.
This book has a bit of a prophetic quality to it, as you look at today's trends and project them into the near future. It makes you wonder if our Republic is beyond salvage, and that's a valid question that we should all ponder.
Yes, plenty of action. Guns are part of the story all the way through. He maintains the suspense at a high level all the way to the end.
For those sensitive to such things, there is one scene in the book that is sexually graphic, but it's not gratuitous - it works into the plot, and we are spared from extreme detail in it.
If you haven't bought, ordered, or borrowed a copy, your missing out.
I'll give it a thumbs up for being a good read covering topics near and dear to my heart.
I'd like to write more, but want to avoid spoilers...