So, if you send them form letters, say printed/copies from a website, does it have the same effect as if you write it yourself?
I would think that it would depend on someone's communication skills and knowledge of the subject to the level of being able to cite laws/reg/etc. I'd venture a guess and say that a good majority of people that oppose anti-gun legislation couldn't accurately/correctly cite a lot of the shit on the books. Based on that, is it safe to assume that the more the reader/recipient can pick apart a letter that you write, the more it detracts from the purpose/goals and effectiveness as well as the credibility of the group? If they keep getting letters from illiterate yokals I would think it would galvanize their opinions that all gun owners are a bunch of uneducated, illiterate red necks that shouldn't be allowed to make any decisions regarding the welfare of the country... even if one out of every twenty letters is written like this, those tend to stand out as the majority to liberal types who intrinsicly oppose our views.
Does anyone think that a new forum or tacked thread for this sort of thing would be effective? One where the guys who are better versed in the laws and in effectively verbalizing a viewpoint to certain types of audiences can post letters as attachments or set up some sort of java scripted form where people plug in their name and the state/district they live in and it produces a finished letter? Hit the print/e-mail button and off it goes. Have a couple of different form letter to allow for ome variety.
It might be perceived to some people as a tool for the lazy man and for others a good way of pushing someone off their fence and becoming a little more proactive instead of just bitching about it in here but never following through with the talk. or people who don't believe it's worth the time because they don't think anyone actually listens... if they had something like this, where a few keystrokes and they're done, it might prompt them to at least try.
Personally I think this is a good idea... and if I possesed the writing/indepth knowledge/web skills to do it I wouldn't even be asking. Since we have a vast resource right here on this site, it seems like a shame to let it go to waste. Strength in numbers and teamwork will improve our odds of getting the squeaky wheel oiled.
When I was ranting on my family website about S659 I posted the list of opposition and a form letter for them to copy & paste into an e-mail. It seemed to get more people to do it that way than just slapping a list of names in front of them and expect them to write about something they have a limited knowledge of.