Quoted: Alot of guys at the gym who mostly weight train say |
First, don't listen to guys at the gym.
they don't do cardio at the gym nor do they hike. rock climb or do any other outdoor activity because they say doing so would make them lose their muscle mass. |
How much muscle mass do these guys have? How much fat do these guys have? Do you want to look like these guys do?
Using your muscles will not make you lose your muscle mass as long as you don't allow your body to go into a catabolic state. As long as you are eating enough, and often enough, to fuel you weight training PLUS the extra activity, you will be OK.
Is there any truth to this? |
In order to build muscle you must eat more calories than you burn. The answer to this problem is to eat more. EAT BIG TO GET BIG. You body will not build muscle if it perceives any chance of a food shortage. Eat a lot, and eat often. Start with lots of milk, eggs, fruits and vegatables. If you get too fat, cut back a little. In the book "Starting Strength", Mark Rippetoe recommends a diet like this including drinking a gallon of milk a day. He also recommneds full squats 3 times a week. There is a chance this is a lot different then what you are doing. If you are asking ar15.com questions like this, I recommend you read Mark's book available at:
This book will put you on the right path for weight training, although it doesn't address cardio.
You cannot overlook the importance of physical fitness in regards to weight training. If you just lift weights and never get any cardio of any sort, you will get fat. Will you gain muscle? Some, if you eat enough. Sumo wrestlers have a lot of muscle. All they do is eat and train.
You should Google GPP. Thats General Physical Preparedness. You will find lots of research that shows that physical fitness and regular excercise makes muscle growth from weight training more effective.
There are plenty of forums where the cardio vs no cardio topic is discussed. I would start with: