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Posted: 1/3/2007 4:07:39 PM EDT
Like these?

How do they work? Worth purchasing? Or should I go with an ordinary set of vise grips?
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 4:14:14 PM EDT
Channel Locks and traditional ViseGrips have gotten me 20 years of messing around in the garage.  I can't see changing now.

Looks like all they did was move the adjustment knob.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 4:20:29 PM EDT

Like these?

How do they work? Worth purchasing? Or should I go with an ordinary set of vise grips?

I have a set of Craftsman (I think they call them autolock) and they work great. The only problem is they lock to approx. the same torque every time, where as the manual ones, you can get really tight when needed.

ETA, I usually use these over my manual ones because they are faster.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 4:36:26 PM EDT

The only problem is they lock to approx. the same torque every time, where as the manual ones, you can get really tight when needed.

I was anticipating that issue. Thanks for the info, I think I'll stick to manual locking pliers for now
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