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Posted: 1/26/2009 9:08:10 AM EDT
I love their radio show everything it  the most unapologetic show on the air.  The reason i like it is that it is conservative radio with laugh to you wet yourself comedic remarks and music.
They do actual story's in the media and buy commonsense to them and discuss politic, they destroy obama zombies on the air daily  who call in trying to speak their obama rhetoric. In my book they are a must listen too at least one time. I think they are better then Bob and tom because they actually talk about stuff they won't even touch.

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Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:31:37 AM EDT
Every morning on the way to work.  Overall a good show but do have to say they have pissed me off a time or two on gun related topics.  Biggest one was when they came out against CHL in national parks "to protect the animals".  They retracted that one the next day due to overwhelming response.  
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:35:41 AM EDT
17 years...good shit.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:40:40 AM EDT
Love their show only been listening for about 2 years but I dont miss it a single day.  Listen on the way to work then log on in the office and listen to the rest of the show.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 10:38:33 AM EDT
Great show.
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