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Posted: 8/23/2017 5:27:07 PM EDT
The R's are a pathetic bunch of pussy, backstabbing bitches. Do they really believe the msm, is that why they are fucking Trump? Do they not realize that we now see them for the bunch of pathetic cowardly fuckfaces that they are?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:28:53 PM EDT
I doubt it from the way they've been behaving.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:29:43 PM EDT
I don't think they give a shit what you or anyone else thinks. It's about them, and what's theirs.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:30:33 PM EDT
I call my Republican Senators and reps weekly letting them know exactly this...hope everyone else is doing the same.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:31:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:33:49 PM EDT
I'd assume that most of them don't think that they suck but do know that they are generally not liked. I also don't think that they care. It is all part of the game. Pander to get elected - 'work' for the term - rinse & repeat...
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:34:19 PM EDT
It is all part of the process to "drain the swamp" The GOP fucks will hold out on Trump until the last minute and they will scramble to be Trumps buddy.
They want to be re-elected but they dont want to be seen with Trump until they see his poles.
Trumps poles are low but if we believed the poles HRC would be president right now.
When was the last time you wrote your Senator or Congressman?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:36:37 PM EDT
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So many people in the House feel relatively safe in their Districts, and probably don't give too much of a shit unless they perceive a credible primary challenger.
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"All politics are local"
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:37:24 PM EDT
Overall, Congress has a less than 20% approval rating, and has been stuck in that range for about a decade. Yet, they are constantly re-elected. They think, apparently rightfully so, that they're invincible. 
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:37:44 PM EDT
I guarantee those who are up for reelection in the mid-terms are more cognizant of it than the rest of them. 

The mid-term election will see a number of them replaced...and the rest of them will start to sweat knowing they're in line for Swamp Draining 2.0.  
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:39:09 PM EDT
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I call my Republican Senators and reps weekly letting them know exactly this...hope everyone else is doing the same.
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Me too.  A shitload of them need to be primaried.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:39:53 PM EDT
I doubt they even give a shit.  The leaders of the party would prefer to have few numbers in office anyway.  Its more profitable for them to be the dems cucks, while telling us that if only they had more money and elected offices they could really fix things this time.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:41:23 PM EDT
The R's are a pathetic bunch of pussy, backstabbing bitches. Do they really believe the msm, is that why they are fucking Trump? Do they not realize that we now see them for the bunch of pathetic cowardly fuckfaces that they are?
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You're too kind.  I have the same views, but would not have been so genteel.  They are self-absorbed, ineffectual political eunuchs belching swamp gas on the evening news.

And, no.  Remember that they get their news from the dinomedia.  I never listen to CNNBCABCPBS except when their "reporting" is quoted on OANN, Rush or Hannity.  If all you hear is that dino crap, you have no handle on reality.  They have no idea how popular he is, or how much we LOVE have someone fighting for us, and giving the swamp a taste of its own medicine.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:42:14 PM EDT
They don't care which party is in power as long as their gravy trains keep rolling.

Many prefer the Dems at the helm because they don't have to do anything but pull the wool over their constituent's eyes.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:42:42 PM EDT
Don't think they are worried about those people that voted for Trump in primaries.  They know those people will vote for them in mid-terms because they got R next to their name.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:43:46 PM EDT
I think they know that those "90% of Americans are extremely unhappy with Congress" surveys are people from one place who are unhappy with legislators from another place.

Senators and Representatives know that, generally speaking and with a safe margin of error, that their local voters are happy as hell with them.  And, even on the off chance they aren't happy, what are they going to do?  Vote for the other party?  Stay home and let the other party win?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:47:04 PM EDT
Trump voters are starting to  be marginalized  in articles and opinion pieces by being described as 18% of the voters.
I'm guessing that the ultimate goal is to divide voters and give politicians the impression that they have nothing to fear from going against a minority of the voting population
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:51:33 PM EDT
The repubs know this and it is why they will work with the left to get rid of Trump. Then hope everyone goes back to same old crap.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:56:04 PM EDT
They're making the same mistake the Democrats did.  They think they're invincible.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:59:17 PM EDT
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Trump voters are starting to  be marginalized  in articles and opinion pieces by being described as 18% of the voters.
I'm guessing that the ultimate goal is to divide voters and give politicians the impression that they have nothing to fear from going against a minority of the voting population
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Hardcore, will not be swayed type voters?  18% is probably reasonable.  I'd go as high as 25%.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:03:08 PM EDT
R's in congress gots collective heads up asses.

Still being wishy washy as to not loose votes from either side.

Next election may be a MF'er for them.

I am currently NOT up to re-elect anyone from my state. (Dancer boy and booger sucker.)
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:04:05 PM EDT
Why would they care?  People will continue to vote the "lesser of the two evils" regardless.  See it on here every election.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:07:09 PM EDT
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I don't think they give a shit what you or anyone else thinks. It's about them, and what's theirs.
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That is my impression, has been for a while actually they just solidified it.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:10:56 PM EDT
I don't think they care because it's so hard to mount a primary challenger
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:12:25 PM EDT
They (Republicans)are A MESS.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:16:38 PM EDT
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So many people in the House feel relatively safe in their Districts, and probably don't give too much of a shit unless they perceive a credible primary challenger.
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And the Senate as well.

ONLY reason we are getting rid of McCain is the brain cancer.

Most get reelected over and over and over..........

Doubt 2018 will be any different.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:19:06 PM EDT
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Why would they care?  People will continue to vote the "lesser of the two evils" regardless.  See it on here every election.
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FFS,we had Romney as a choice not that long ago.If he had a (D) after his name he would have been completely trashed for his views,but since he had that (R) after his name,well,we can all overlook the anti gun,pro mandated healthcare,pro bailouts,etc., bullshit from him.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:20:26 PM EDT
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Don't think they are worried about those people that voted for Trump in primaries.  They know those people will vote for them in mid-terms because they got R next to their name.
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What are you going to do?Vote democrat?

Throw your vote away on a 3rd Party??

Like a battered wife,you'll pull the R lever no matter how bad they screw you..........
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:21:34 PM EDT
Every single one of them is a crook. Both R and D.  Doesn't matter what side of the aisle they're on.   They are all crooked sum bitches.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:22:48 PM EDT
The 18% approval rating of McConnell in Kentucky should get the point across.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:24:05 PM EDT
The republicans are going to go the way of the Whig party.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:24:28 PM EDT
Damn... doubletap
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:25:02 PM EDT
I don't think the members of Congress or their staffers know much of shit about who thinks what or what happens outside the 495 Beltway.  

Which is why I'm for a Constitutional Amendment limiting the size of the staff of each member of Congress, and requiring each member to remain physically within the geographic confines of his/her electing district for no fewer than 240 days of each calendar year while in office.

Keep the power close to the people (and the pitchforks, if needed).
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:25:40 PM EDT
We need to have everyone of them that are up for election to lose their primary.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:27:55 PM EDT
I think many of them - including a sizable number from my state - buy the bullshit the media is selling hook, line and sinker and are well practiced bandwagon jumpers.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:28:51 PM EDT
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So many people in the House feel relatively safe in their Districts, and probably don't give too much of a shit unless they perceive a credible primary challenger.
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Their districts and states are so safe they plan on outlasting Trump.  It might work.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:31:48 PM EDT
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The republicans are going to go the way of the Whig party.
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Not sure if serious?

I don't see them going anywhere in my lifetime.

The GOPe has a ton of money to fight possible primary challengers,and lets face it,the voting public.........
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:34:26 PM EDT
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The 18% approval rating of McConnell in Kentucky should get the point across.
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What point is that?

He's not up until 2020.

And he's only been in since 85......
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:40:47 PM EDT
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Not sure if serious?

I don't see them going anywhere in my lifetime.

The GOPe has a ton of money to fight possible primary challengers,and lets face it,the voting public.........
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I've already pledged to not vote for RINO POS Bob Corker next year in the primary OR the general.  I don't care who the Democrats run, I don't care if his loss means Republicans lose control of the Senate.  I will not vote for him under any circumstances.  If Zombie Stalin runs against him on a "DeltaElite777 Sucks" platform, I still won't vote for Bob Corker.  And I DID vote for him in 2006 and 2012.

If ENOUGH folks made similar pledges, maybe we could primary some of these useless Marxist RINO fuckers out.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:43:43 PM EDT
Time to write my congresswoman again
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:46:18 PM EDT
nope... next election, he'll likely be gone, they'll still be there
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:48:06 PM EDT
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What point is that?

He's not up until 2020.

And he's only been in since 85......
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You're right, he's probably too dense to get the point.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:52:24 PM EDT
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I've already pledged to not vote for RINO POS Bob Corker next year in the primary OR the general.  I don't care who the Democrats run, I don't care if his loss means Republicans lose control of the Senate.  I will not vote for him under any circumstances.  If Zombie Stalin runs against him on a "DeltaElite777 Sucks" platform, I still won't vote for Bob Corker.  And I DID vote for him in 2006 and 2012.

If ENOUGH folks made similar pledges, maybe we could primary some of these useless Marxist RINO fuckers out.
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Not sure if serious?

I don't see them going anywhere in my lifetime.

The GOPe has a ton of money to fight possible primary challengers,and lets face it,the voting public.........
I've already pledged to not vote for RINO POS Bob Corker next year in the primary OR the general.  I don't care who the Democrats run, I don't care if his loss means Republicans lose control of the Senate.  I will not vote for him under any circumstances.  If Zombie Stalin runs against him on a "DeltaElite777 Sucks" platform, I still won't vote for Bob Corker.  And I DID vote for him in 2006 and 2012.

If ENOUGH folks made similar pledges, maybe we could primary some of these useless Marxist RINO fuckers out.
THAT is the problem.

I don't see how to fix it.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:55:25 PM EDT
I will vote Trump, but first and foremost I am a one issue voter, 2A above all else.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:20:00 PM EDT
2018 primaries are going to tell if people care or not.
Got a peckerhead rino .... replace them..with a conservative.
Got a demo up.. Replace them with a conservative.
If there's any possibility of giving Trump a super majority..do it
Then listen to the RRRREEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That meltdown will exceed the election cause they'll know they're properly fucked..
I'll be waiting, watching and hoping for this.
It's about our last chance........
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:23:33 PM EDT
No, they are out of touch... They may learn a lesson in 2018.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:26:19 PM EDT
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I doubt it from the way they've been behaving.
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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:27:08 PM EDT
The "Rs" seem as clueless as their fellow Dems.

Hopefully some good candidates will take the field.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:27:43 PM EDT
Are you sure about that OP? There were A LOT of "not Hillary" voters who don't have great affection for Trump.

Maybe if the obsessed fanbois would stop blindly cheering, and insist that campaign promises be kept, we'd have some legislative accomplishments out of Congress by now.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:34:52 PM EDT
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I don't think they give a shit what you or anyone else thinks. It's about them, and what's theirs.
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A former democratic congressman lives a couple doors down from me.  I used to talk to him regularly, but avoid him now, as he is obsessed with politics/government.  I can vouch that this quote is correct.  Being senators/congressmen/whatever is their job and they intend to keep it.  Doing the work of the people is not high on the things to do list for most of them.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:43:34 PM EDT
They have their seats, their kickbacks, their connections and bennies.

Those elite douchbags don't give a shit about us or our choosen change.
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