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Posted: 7/22/2010 8:00:31 PM EDT
I have a small "10 gun" one... Looks like it's gonna hold five, and that's only if the fifth one doesn't have a scope. Is this normal, or is there some trick to this?
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:02:36 PM EDT
Of course they do.

But you gotta stuff all the 22 rifles inside the 12 guage shotguns.

Yeah - I know exactly what you mean.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:02:44 PM EDT
Handguns maybe.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:12:11 PM EDT
No. They don't. Not without packing them extremely tight and fucking up all your wooden stocks. Figure about 1/2 the rating for a decent fit.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:14:12 PM EDT
No. They don't. Not without packing them extremely tight and fucking up all your wooden stocks. Figure about 1/2 the rating for a decent fit.

Good rule of thumb
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:14:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:15:59 PM EDT
It helps if you store half of them muzzle down, better for the wood stocks anyway long term.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:16:55 PM EDT


No. They don't. Not without packing them extremely tight and fucking up all your wooden stocks. Figure about 1/2 the rating for a decent fit.

http://sackups.com/ are your friend when you need to have more than the rated 14 guns in one safe...

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:22:18 PM EDT
The same doofus who decides how many guns fit, is the same guy who decided how many a tent will sleep too.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:03:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:04:52 PM EDT
Mine supposedly holds 22 guns.

I scratch my head in wonder as to how it might ever manage to do that.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:07:24 PM EDT


No. They don't. Not without packing them extremely tight and fucking up all your wooden stocks. Figure about 1/2 the rating for a decent fit.

This has been my experience as well.

All of my guns are crammed in there so tight if my smallish safe ever got knocked over or moved with them it it, they'd be scratched all to hell.

I still haven't bought a bigger safe yet.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:27:59 PM EDT


I have a small "10 gun" one... Looks like it's gonna hold five, and that's only if the fifth one doesn't have a scope. Is this normal, or is there some trick to this?

hehe. the number of guns is usually accurate when it comes to slim o/u shotguns with conventional stocks. Start adding scopes, bipods, pistol grips and the like, and things very quickly fall apart. That said, at one time, I had a 10-gun stack-on safe with two scoped rifles, three AR's with optics, VFG's and lights, two skeet shotguns, an 870 with a pistol grip, an 1187 plus 9 handguns.

It was like tetris :-)

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:34:44 PM EDT
This works.


works for me too
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:50:34 PM EDT
An unbarreled Mauser small ring receiver/action is considered a firearm by the ATF so I have been told this is what safe manufacturers use to determine how many "Guns" a safe will hold. My pistol safe qualifies as a ten gun safe.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:24:46 PM EDT
The same doofus who decides how many guns fit, is the same guy who decided how many a tent will sleep too.

And  hot tub person capacity........

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:47:43 PM EDT


I have a small "10 gun" one... Looks like it's gonna hold five, and that's only if the fifth one doesn't have a scope. Is this normal, or is there some trick to this?

The whole numbering thing works on a system.  If you own 10 guns, buy a 10 gun safe.  The manufacturer figures you won't put all 10 in the safe anyways since you'll leave one by the bed, atleast 2 sealed in the walls of  your home and atleast 1 or 2 buried in water tight containers in the back yard
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:50:09 PM EDT


I have a small "10 gun" one... Looks like it's gonna hold five, and that's only if the fifth one doesn't have a scope. Is this normal, or is there some trick to this?

Not any more than tents will hold the advertised amount of people.


Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:50:17 PM EDT
I got a Honeywell supposedly 14 gun capacity.Look at the photos in the safes in catalogs where they sell them,they are all 30-30 levers,.22's,single barrel shotguns all with regular stocks.Not a scope or pistol grip on any and no Ar types.Mine will hold an M1-A1,S&W 15T target model,M4 Ar,Remington VTR,DPMS .308 and Armalite infantry rifle,all with scopes mounted and they just barey fit without banging the shit out of each rifle.......Some truth and realistic presentations in advertising please
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 12:00:23 AM EDT
This was a 12 gun sentry cabinet. I added a few more rifles and two handguns since that photo was taken. But the ARFCOM curse took them from me before a boating accident happened.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 12:02:17 AM EDT
walky talkies?
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 12:09:15 AM EDT
My safe holds two and it fits two to three.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:01:33 AM EDT
I've managed to cram more than the rated capacity in there.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:03:08 AM EDT



No. They don't. Not without packing them extremely tight and fucking up all your wooden stocks. Figure about 1/2 the rating for a decent fit.

http://sackups.com/ are your friend when you need to have more than the rated 14 guns in one safe...



Sack-Ups are pretty great all around. Nice cushioning, without bulk.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:09:38 AM EDT
I collect NEF single-shots with iron sights (I just come here for BOTD, nobody needs a semiauto or even a magazine), I don't understand why you're having a problem.  I fit 40 of them in a 40 gun safe.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:14:24 AM EDT
walky talkies?

FRS/GMRS Cobra radios. They work good enough for me.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:17:20 AM EDT
I think they do - but as others have said, they base it on skinny rifles (10/22's??) with no scopes.  And they assume you don't mind if your handguns/rifles are all touching each other.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:30:38 AM EDT
Not without stacking them like cord wood .
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:35:22 AM EDT



No. They don't. Not without packing them extremely tight and fucking up all your wooden stocks. Figure about 1/2 the rating for a decent fit.

Good rule of thumb


Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:20:44 AM EDT
Yes - being used strictly as a safe.

However, we tend to use them as "shrines" and "display cases" - so then the answer is no.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:26:20 AM EDT
I know mine doesn't come anywhere close to the 22 advertised long guns.

The Savage really kills the space with the scope, the extended bolt handle, bipod, and B&C Medalist.  It takes up 1/4 of the damn safe by itself.

One of these days I'm going to buy a BIG motherfucker, and use this safe for ammo and mags.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:27:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:45:16 AM EDT
My 14 Gun safe can realistically hold 10.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:55:23 AM EDT
A magazine fed gun with pistol grip and a scope can take up as much as two (or three) one-gun space.  When they say guns, they're talking about optimal capacity of traditional shotguns or unscoped rifles.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:09:23 AM EDT
This works.


After looking at the videos, I'm going to make my own.  Thanks for the link!
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:11:19 AM EDT
What's the formula when your buying a gun safe?

(Current number of guns X 2) + 1...take the closest quantity safe without going down
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:14:53 AM EDT
If you stuff them in like sardines and use gunsocks to protect them from touching eachother, you can usually get about 50% more guns than advertised in the safe.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:19:37 AM EDT
see my other post
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:23:30 AM EDT
Sadly I do not have as many guns as my safe advertises.  Its not looking good though, I think you can fit about half as well unless you have a ton more pistols than rifles/shotguns.

I guess I better get to the fun shop and get a new toy...
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:22:41 AM EDT

I have a small "10 gun" one... Looks like it's gonna hold five, and that's only if the fifth one doesn't have a scope. Is this normal, or is there some trick to this?

hehe. the number of guns is usually accurate when it comes to slim o/u shotguns with conventional stocks. Start adding scopes, bipods, pistol grips and the like, and things very quickly fall apart. That said, at one time, I had a 10-gun stack-on safe with two scoped rifles, three AR's with optics, VFG's and lights, two skeet shotguns, an 870 with a pistol grip, an 1187 plus 9 handguns.

It was like tetris :-)

Plus if you have any M1s they take up the space of 2-3 narrower guns. Bolt actions usually have to have the bolt removed.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:28:14 AM EDT
The same doofus who decides how many guns fit, is the same guy who decided how many a tent will sleep too.

And  hot tub person capacity........

Hot tub person capacity is based on the (sadly) rare circumstance of bulimic sorority chicks and family size packs of Ecstasy.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:28:53 AM EDT
my AR's takes a lot of space.. optics plus VFG are bitches...

in my 12 guns, I can put 6 ARs, 2 AK's, 1 garand, 2 wichesters and 1 mossberg500.. + handguns.. so pretty fair.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:32:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:33:13 AM EDT
Yep. I've got twice as much as advertised in there.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:33:16 AM EDT
Things like scopes, and certainly AR's cut the number way down.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 7:45:04 AM EDT
It helps if you store half of them muzzle down, better for the wood stocks anyway long term.

This works. There have been at least 5 different times when I thought my safe was full, and by re-arranging and placing some of them muzzle down I have been able to find room for 1 more. Probably won't happen again though.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:23:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:00:22 AM EDT

I did when I first started using the socks, but then I started adding tags to them

I'm able to fit 51 guns (34 rifles and 17 pistols) in this safe alone.

Nothing is getting scratched or dinged up. All the nice wood stuff is in socks, and everything else is just carefully placed in there.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:58:10 AM EDT
Nope! Not unless you have NO optics, NO pistols grips, NO charging handles, and NO bolt handles. They can hold the advertised amount of NEF shotguns and that's about it.

And even that you have to alternate them barrel up/barrel down to get them in without the stocks hitting in the corners.

Sir, back before I bought my Zanotti Safe everything I read said the you should always buy a safe with a rated capacity greater than the number of guns that you own.  I always interpreted that to mean that you will always buy more guns to fill the vacant space in your safe.  Now I realize what that really means.  Rifles with charging handles, bolts, and pistol grips all interfere with stacking them side by side or in front of one another.  I bought a safe rated for thirty guns and have lived up to the prediction about acquiring more guns to fill the space.  I now have twenty-three long guns and fourteen pistols that reside in my safe in addition to my carry gun.

The pistols are on a shelf above the rifles and I have to alternate the bolt actions with those with op rod charging spurs when arranged side by side.  Additionally I have to alternate rifles with scopes apart from rifles with pistol grips and try not to put them one in front of the other.  I don't believe I can get seven more rifles in the safe unless they were all as narrow as a Winchester '94.  I haven't tried orienting any of them muzzle down yet but I don't think that would alleviate the crowding.  FWIW, I also have four muzzle loaders that are all to long to fit into the safe.  JMHO, 7zero1.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:59:34 AM EDT
Nope! Not unless you have NO optics, NO pistols grips, NO charging handles, and NO bolt handles. They can hold the advertised amount of NEF shotguns and that's about it.

And even that you have to alternate them barrel up/barrel down to get them in without the stocks hitting in the corners.

Sir, back before I bought my Zanotti Safe everything I read said the you should always buy a safe with a rated capacity greater than the number of guns that you own.  I always interpreted that to mean that you will always buy more guns to fill the vacant space in your safe.  Now I realize what that really means.  Rifles with charging handles, bolts, and pistol grips all interfere with stacking them side by side or in front of one another.  I bought a safe rated for thirty guns and have lived up to the prediction about acquiring more guns to fill the space.  I now have twenty-three long guns and fourteen pistols that reside in my safe in addition to my carry gun.

The pistols are on a shelf above the rifles and I have to alternate the bolt actions with those with op rod charging spurs when arranged side by side.  Additionally I have to alternate rifles with scopes apart from rifles with pistol grips and try not to put them one in front of the other.  I don't believe I can get seven more rifles in the safe unless they were all as narrow as a Winchester '94.  I haven't tried orienting any of them muzzle down yet but I don't think that would alleviate the crowding.  FWIW, I also have four muzzle loaders that are all to long to fit into the safe.  JMHO, 7zero1.

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