UGH. So, I've been doing the Atkins diet since September 6. I'm doing REALLY well, (I don't have a scale, but sneaked a peak at my friend's house about 2 weeks ago) and I was down 15 pounds. And clothes are looser on me since then, so I'd venture to guess it's about 18-20 pounds now. I feel great, I look better (I think), I'm down about a size and a half in my clothes. And for the most part, it hasn't been too difficult. I love cheese, and I love chicken, so I've been making do with that and the good vegetables mixed in.
And I know not everyone has great things to say about Atkins, so let's not have any of that bad diet talk.
My office is a breeding ground for candy, cake, treats, bagels, danish, etc. Especially on Thursday morning, we have our weekly meeting, and there's always food there. I was good today, made my little omelette with cheese in the microwave, and now that I have food in my stomach, it's easier to walk past it. I actually haven't cheated an iota since I started.
But man! There are some days when I just crave a bagel, or something sweet.
I'll get past it, just needed to post about it. I've even been having dreams about forbidden foods lately. Anyone ever get that? Last night it was popcorn. I had some popcorn in my dream, then spit it out (in my dream) and felt awful guilty about it.
I can't believe I'm having food dreams..I'm not that obsessesed about food. I can't be!!!
ugh. Just wanted to vent a bit.
Rant over now.
Carry on! (the thinner and happier Daisy)