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Posted: 1/3/2007 1:31:07 PM EDT
I remember this being a hot topic in gun rags and on gun talk, usenet and other boards back in the day. Some said it happened and others said it wa bs.

here is a quote:

The now-famous Strasbourg Tests put MagSafe on the map. To summarize what nearly everyone already knows, over 600 live French Alpine goats (their bodies are very much like humans) were shot under controlled conditions: no anesthetic, same shot placement from animal to animal, and with blood pressure and heart rate monitors to determine the Incapacitation Time (a measure of how long it took a goat to cease functioning after the single shot was delivered).

MagSafe Ammo worked - better than anything else. Tests were done without MagSafe's knowledge, so some versions tested were the lowest powered. For example, two types of .380 ACP are offered; the .380 Defender, a 60-grainer at 1,360 fps in a Colt Mustang; and the .380 MAX (designed for a big city's undercover drug agents) with a 52-grain slug sizzling along at 1,620 fps in the Mustang.

600 goats hooked up to heart monitors? Maybe one at a time is what I think it refers to.

But, thats just crazy.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:38:09 PM EDT
Yep, but they didn't happen in France.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:43:14 PM EDT

It happened in the imagination of a very creative gun writer and no where else.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:46:56 PM EDT
That would make a BIG bar-b-q, no?
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:54:48 PM EDT
It seems references pop up from time to time regarding those supposed tests, but I've never been able to find anything even remotely approaching solid proof of a verifiable, repeatable test following the scientific method, with names, dates, test protocols, etc., so I've always rejected it on those grounds alone.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:56:19 PM EDT
In before the goat pics.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:58:01 PM EDT
This is something that I would like to see.  Goats are dignified, even in death.  
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:58:36 PM EDT

That would make a BIG bar-b-q, no?

If that were the case, and I were in charge, I'd immediately change it to a Strasbourg Hog Test/BBQ.

As my wife says, "There's a whole lotta good on that pig"...
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 2:01:43 PM EDT
There's also the urban legend about tank sabot rounds being tested on old tanks with, you guessed it, a goat in the turret.  According to the story, the sabot holed the tank on both sides and the goat was sucked out through the exit hole....
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