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Posted: 7/21/2010 4:12:49 AM EDT
I've got a good dentist. He's not BS-ing me or trying to rip me off.

I grind my teeth and have a little acid erosion on my teeth due to reflux (working on that). All 8 molars are worn and only one currently has a Cerex insert. (like a large filling).

While my teeth are still in OK, but worn shape, the dentist has been telling me for a few years that I need something to stop the wear, since I grind.

I don't like the idea of gold teeth. I hate the look, plus in some countries, I thought they beat you up and steal your teeth if they are gold. Since I travel the world, I am not sure that's smart. Or, maybe it's not a concern anymore.

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:14:45 AM EDT
Partial dentures?
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:15:09 AM EDT
Gold is best, but if you don't like it you can get crowns the same color as your teeth, they don't last as long as gold though. YMMV
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:15:37 AM EDT
you know, platnium is good, it dosn't pick up soot from a torch, it dosn't spring back after bending, it's much denser, so it'll take longer to wear down, and it has a high melting point.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:18:05 AM EDT
Spark out you grill yo!
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:42:41 AM EDT
I've got a good dentist. He's not BS-ing me or trying to rip me off.

I grind my teeth and have a little acid erosion on my teeth due to reflux (working on that). All 8 molars are worn and only one currently has a Cerex insert. (like a large filling).

While my teeth are still in OK, but worn shape, the dentist has been telling me for a few years that I need something to stop the wear, since I grind.

I don't like the idea of gold teeth. I hate the look, plus in some countries, I thought they beat you up and steal your teeth if they are gold. Since I travel the world, I am not sure that's smart. Or, maybe it's not a concern anymore.


I am a fellow grinder...well "clencher" was the word she used, and she fitted me with a mouth guard I wear during sleep.  COst about $400.  WHy has your dentist not done something like this?

I sleep better and my jaw actually does feel relaxed in the morning.  I travel a lot too, adn my dentist said many of her mouthguard wearers are those who travel.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:49:52 AM EDT
If you need crowns, a gold crown is the superior material.  If you grind your teeth, you will tend to chip a porcelain, tooth colored crown. Also, as you can imagine, porcelain is a very abrasive material, especially after you grind through the outer glaze. Think of a broken coffee cup and how rough that raw porcelain is.  

The major objection that patients have to gold is that it is, well, gold colored. I have found that gold tends to blend in very well color wise and is not that noticeable on back teeth.

Having said that, you probably also need a night guard to keep from grinding your teeth.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 4:51:31 AM EDT
is white gold an option (I really have no idea)
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:00:35 AM EDT
Just spend $1.50 on a sports mouth guard and call it a day.  I'm sure your dentist would prefer you spend thousands on caps though.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:03:03 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:03:11 AM EDT
paging Drsalee.  Drsalee to this dental thread.  Thank you.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:03:20 AM EDT
Gold teef be gangsta...

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:05:57 AM EDT

I am a fellow grinder...well "clencher" was the word she used, and she fitted me with a mouth guard I wear during sleep.  COst about $400.  WHy has your dentist not done something like this?

I sleep better and my jaw actually does feel relaxed in the morning.  I travel a lot too, adn my dentist said many of her mouthguard wearers are those who travel.

I have a night guard. For whatever reason, it really bothers me in my sleep. On the surface, I don't care about it and I am willing to be "tough" and deal with it. But, while asleep, I form a tight vacuum on it and it irritates the roof of my mouth. After a few days of this, I have to stop.

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:07:32 AM EDT
You need this. No sense in doing a half way job.

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 6:27:21 AM EDT

You need this. No sense in doing a half way job.

I like it, That's perfect and exactly what I am going to do

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 6:29:08 AM EDT

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