Greece is reaping the rewards of its democracy. All democracies fall victim to human nature, laziness and greed.
There is no easy answer to this. We all obviously want to be free but is freedom whats best for us in the long run?
Our founding fathers created a beautiful but extremely delicate system. I am 44 years old and I was fortunate enough to have lived my life during its time. Admittedly the past 44 years have been a weak and watered down version of the idea that was America, but at least I got a taste of it in its waning years and I was able to forge my life in its freedoms, for better or for worse. When I was stupid, lazy or procrastinated......I got hit hard. When I was motivated and driven, I succeeded wildly. I have no complaints, if Im not Brad Pitt, Bill Gates or the President....its my fault. The America I grew up in afforded me every opportunity.
What scares me is my daughters America.....the future America. Shes 2 1/2 years old and its obvious at this point she wont get the benefit of the America I grew up in. It breaks my heart to see the direction this country is going in and to know that she will have to endure it. That she will not have my opportunities.
When she's 44 years old and she looks at the country around her and whats left of it and realizes it was the generations before her that squandered it, destroyed it and ate it alive from the inside out......can you blame her when she says a free republic or democracy just doesnt work?