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Posted: 5/13/2004 3:52:07 PM EDT
Yup.  John F'ng Kerry couldn't be bothered to show up to vote for a bill he supported.

For those of you keeping score, the ONLY bill that he has shown up for to vote on since he started running for President is the AWB extension, and we're still paying this asshole his salary as a Senator .


Cantwell's jobless bill fails by 1 vote

This story was published Wednesday, May 12th, 2004

By Les Blumenthal Herald Washington, D.C., bureau

WASHINGTON -- The Senate on Tuesday rejected by a single vote Sen. Maria Cantwell's amendment to provide extended federal unemployment benefits to 47,000 Washington workers and more than 1 million others nationwide.

The vote came as the chamber moved toward passage of a $170 billion corporate tax bill that would benefit Boeing, Microsoft and other U.S. exporters and help defuse a mounting trade dispute with the European Union.

Cantwell, D-Wash., sought to attach her amendment to the tax bill, but the Republican-controlled Senate rejected it on a 59-40 vote. The amendment required 60 votes to overcome objections it violated budget guidelines.

"It's really disappointing," said Cantwell, who has repeatedly over the past several months sought to convince the Senate to extend the benefits.

Cantwell said she ran into a Republican leadership that was determined to defeat her amendment. She said she hadn't decided what comes next.

"It took a lot to get this vote, to get the momentum," she said.

The only senator who missed the vote was Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who was campaigning in Kentucky. But the decisive vote against the amendment was apparently cast by Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, R-Colo., who had earlier told Cantwell he supported extending federal unemployment benefits for an additional 13 weeks.

During debate, Republicans insisted the additional benefits weren't needed because the economy was recovering, unemployment was down and 900,000 new jobs had been created since the first of the year.

"The economy is strong, the recovery is real and no amount of political rhetoric can change that," said Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah.

But Cantwell scolded her colleagues for backing corporate tax cuts while forgetting about American workers who have lost their jobs. Cantwell said the tax bill would provide $3 billion in tax credits for the oil and gas industry, $2.3 billion for the coal industry, $451 for bourbon distillers, $233 for cruise ship companies and $4 million for archery manufacturers.

Nationwide, Cantwell said, more than 1.5 million workers had exhausted their unemployment benefits since December.

"They are going into bankruptcy, defaulting on their mortgages, they aren't able to afford health insurance," said Cantwell. "Where are the priorities of my colleagues?"
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:30:15 PM EDT
I think we need bumperstickers that say "Kerry vote kills Unemployment."
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:13:56 PM EDT
Yet he did stop in to vote for an extention of the AW ban.

All you gunowners need to keep that in mind, because it shows how dedicated he is the abolition of our 2nd Amendment rights.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:27:12 PM EDT
it's a damn good thing the GOP didn't piss away anymore

of my hard earned tax dollars on those lazy unemployed  SOB's  !

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