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Southpark did an episode where they wanted to make a point of showing Muhammad. So in the show itself, the scenes where Muhammad would appear were done in the style of Family Guy... so that hopefully if any Muslims got upset enough to kill anyone, they'd go bomb the offices of Family Guy and not Southpark.
The tension in the plot came from "The Network" refusing to pull the Family Guy episode. The reveal was that all Family Guy episodes are written by semi-intelligent manatees moving balls with ideas written on them into a chute. Manatee story generator. And the manatees refuse to work if you stifle their creativity by taking any subject or idea out of the tank. Basically, just a funny way of Southpark saying Seth Macfarlane's jokes are mostly just random crap that has nothing to do with the story.
Seth Macfarlane gets pretty sour grapesy any time he's asked about south park.