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Posted: 4/21/2001 6:11:35 AM EDT
Where should i start? this is messed up. Flag, you are a f***nut first and foremost. If you can actually sit there and defend yourself and your heinous actions, you should consider getting some help. Attacking others like Ice15 for being repulsed by your actions is extremely childish, but i guess that is to be expected for what you did in the first place. It is also odd that you would bring up the abortion issue. Is this a way of trying to shift the guilt away from you and an attempt to make someone else look like a cold blooded killer?
    I find it hard to beleive that someone could do what you have claimed to have done and think it is a good idea to brag about it on this board. Using cats as a test for ballistics? did you really need to shoot the cats to understand what a .223 round would do to a ten pound animal? If that is the case, you are one of the people that should not be allowed to possess a firearm or for that matter a bb gun. If you had to actually carry out this test of yours to understand the power of a gun, you are, to put it nicely, below average. We are under enough fire from the government and media as it is about our toys without idiots like you making us seem like a bunch of blood thirsty morons. Maybe you are one of them and this is your way of getting more attention for your pathetic cause.
   Either way, i realize that a cat is an animal and not on the same scale as a person. But it is a living thing and deserves the right to continue living. Let me askyou a personal question. Did the power rush when you pulled the trigger make you little dick hard? I can understand if tit did. After all, it is a very courageous act to shoot at a small defenseless creature like that, all tied up and all scared.  At least you could have "hunted" the cats thru the woods. But no, your a big tough Hathcock wannabe and tied em to a tree. Quite the marksman! You said that these came from your wife's cat. Does she know? Is she pround of her big game hunter for putting food on the table? At least think about how proud she can be bragging to her friends and family about you!
    What is next? Little kids walking down the hallway in school? Or people in wheelchairs? Why dont you just go back to frying ants with a magnifying glass?
    You are pathetic and an embarrasment to all people. Please do us all a favor and wear double condoms when you are with your wife so that the world does not have to deal with any future generations of Flags.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:15:45 AM EDT
Dude, didnt you read the book? He becomes banished from this earth at the end. A nuke takes out his domain. No worries, mate.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:24:21 AM EDT
I think it was just sick humor for the cat haters out there, I didn't get the impression he was serious. Besides they were kittens(much less than 10 lbs). Personally I like both cat's and dog's, it all a matter of individual personalities( yes, they do have them). I always had one or the other if not both. Alot of people do hate cat's (especially alot of guys), never understood it, I always chalked it up to a personality defiency (some fu**ers just get off on pulling the wings off flys). If he actually did do it he's definitely a loser and needs psychiatric help.

Now if they were feral cat's, fu**'em, I say shoot away. Feral cat's are mean little bastards, spread disease(to your pet's or livestock),and will kill livestock(chickens,newborns, etc). Same goes for feral dogs.

Feral means animals that have reverted i.e. gone wild.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:41:02 PM EDT
Dude, didnt you read the book? He becomes banished from this earth at the end. A nuke takes out his domain. No worries, mate.  
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just got what you were saying......

'The Stand' was a good book,was'nt it  [:)]
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:55:20 PM EDT
Either way, i realize that a cat is an animal and not on the same scale as a person. But it is a living thing and deserves the right to continue living.

ok apollo, deer, wolfs & cayotes are living things too so shouldn't they deserve to live also. instead of being hunted for sport(FUN)
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:02:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:16:44 PM EDT
I Hope that was a Joke Class Clown , Dont go getting real on us.
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now what do you think I am? some tree hugging hippie liberal. just proving his comment was miss stated. No we shouldn't be shooting cats, but then again I don't see anything wrong with putting them to sleep(by a vet). there's just to big of a overpopulation that suffers if their not put down.just like animals in the wild, cats need to be haverested for their own well being
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:21:05 PM EDT
If you people believe R. Flag shot kittens
you will believe anything. Wake up, its a joke!
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:22:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:46:42 PM EDT
I must have missed RanFlag's post about killing cats in a bag w/ his AR, but I can't imagine ever doing such a thing. That is truly sick.

You can't be for real- you must be an HCI/MMM troll.

"The best way to deal with a person with a gun (pointed at you) is to say,
'I know you're upset.'  Compassion is the answer. They are human beings
and want the same things I do. Try to be compassionate with them and
relate to them."

-- Jessica Flag, national delegate to the Four One-Hundredths of One
Million Mom March, 7 May 2000, Washington, DC

Relative of yours?
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 9:00:49 PM EDT
i understand all the comments about the feral animals and overpopulation of animals. Feral animals increase the chances of disease and injury. Besides, any disease that the animal is carrying is probaly making life miserable for that animal anyway. you would be doing it a favor by putting it down. the same goes for unwanted pets that might normally be treated and abused. I just think that there is a BIG difference between that and tying the animal to a tree for fun. I am sorry if i am the only one with that opinion. Hunting for sport is a little bit different too. It involves skill in the tracking of the animal and i see no problem in it if the animal is to be eaten. Maybe that is a double standard to some. I see no reason to kill an animal for any reason. My guns are used for target shooting only. I am sure enough that i could easily put something down at 100+ yards. There is no need for me to try it. I don't mean to pass judgement on people who hunt. i am sorry if it comes off that way. But shooting a cat tied to a tree? come on, you must see a difference. Or am I the crazy one here?
the post that set this all off is 99.9% a joke ( or at least i hope). This type of humor would have been appreciated by Klebold and McVeigh. It is perfect for their mindset. Why does a dog lick his balls? Cause he can't make a fist! Thats a joke. Killing defenseless animals is not.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 1:34:12 PM EDT
Wasn't Randall Flagg a character in a Steven King Novel?  The Stand wasn't it?
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 1:50:37 PM EDT
So let me see if I'm understanding this right.
If I track the neighbors cat, shoot it and then eat it that is perfectly exceptable?
Kewl! I [i]like[/i] Chinesse.

Dancing with joy, 'cause every day is cat season and there is no limit.
<[i]here kitty, kitty, kitty.....[/i]>
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 2:11:22 PM EDT
GWIGG: Wasn't Randall Flagg a character in a Steven King Novel?
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Yeah, "The Stand."

He was called Randall Flagg, The Dark Man,The Man with No Face, Anubis, Astaroth, Richard Fry, Ramsey Forrest, Robert Franq, John the Conqueror, The Midnight Rambler, Nyarlohotep, Old Creeping Judas, R'yelah, Seti, The Walking Dude, & The Raven.

The same character also shows up in several other King works like The Dark Tower series.

Link Posted: 5/1/2001 3:31:14 PM EDT
I've never shot anyone's pet cat or anything crazy like that, but I used to have problems with some wild ones that used to get into the garbage and otherwise cause havoc. A 10/22 is all that's needed, an AR would just be for some sick thrill.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 3:44:17 PM EDT
alot of people say cats and dogs are just animals ---below humans so to speak .but I  trust more dogs than humans.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 4:38:45 PM EDT
First, I cant believe you undercover liberals are trippin out over a JOKE......

Second, IF it was NOT a joke, look at you....the embodiment of all we say bad about the liberals.....in someone elses business...more worried about animals than people.....just a flat out tree huggin busybody.....GET A GRIP.....Dont be a liberal in sheeps clothing.....Come out of your closet...

WOULD I kill cats tied up? NO...Do I shoot that which is NOT food OR attacking me or other INNOCENT PEOPLE?? NO.... Do I have a heaven or hell to put him in? HELLA NO....Is this still a free country...in my mind YES, but according to rosie, sarah(die bitch die), appologay, class clown and 95th......it is free IF you do as I tell you to do...

and gus....is it LESS dead with a 10-22 versus an ar? Nooooooo...can YOU spell liberal tendicies...???

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