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Posted: 5/10/2003 2:17:22 AM EDT
I sometimes dream of my dad except he will be real nice and all of the sudden will that beating me and crap and trying to kill me.

This was kind of hard to bring up because this is freaking the shit out of me.

Any one else have dreams like this?
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 2:26:06 AM EDT
I have the same sort of dreams, except I end up scoring with my mom.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 2:30:09 AM EDT
Um thats weird. I have yet to have a dream where my dad just stops by or somethig. Always tries to kill me and in a few has gotten close then I wakeup and grab my shotgun and turn on the tv for about an hour.

Scares the shitz out of me like nothing else.

He was a good guy but when he was pissed would beat the crap out of me. Last thing I would want is another one of those.

I still cant get over the dam dreams.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 2:33:07 AM EDT
Somebody get this person a couch.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 3:26:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:02:11 AM EDT
you have no idea
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:20:39 AM EDT
Um thats weird. I have yet to have a dream where my dad just stops by or somethig. Always tries to kill me and in a few has gotten close then I wakeup and grab my shotgun and turn on the tv for about an hour.

[red]Scares the shitz out of me like nothing else.[/red]

He was a good guy but when he was pissed would beat the crap out of me. Last thing I would want is another one of those.

[red]I still cant get over[/red] the dam dreams.
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Welcome to the wonderful world of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder snip!!  [:D]

Enjoy your stay!!

[Stephen King]"We all float here"...[/Stephen King] [snoopy]
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:29:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:30:42 AM EDT
Your dream shows you feel guilt over something you did either directly towards him or indirectly.

Just be glad you had a father to dream about. I never met mine.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:36:28 AM EDT
The last time I had a dream about my dad was shortly after he died 13 years ago.  I dreamed I was walking through the house in the middle of the night.  None of the lights would work, but everything was sort of bright, like a field under a full moon.  I saw his lifeless body on the couch in the den, which is a place he often slept.  I moved closer and then he jumped up, all gray and pale and told me it was my fault he died.

The dream was more traumatic than being there the day he died and having to perform CPR on him.  I haven't had the dream or any other nightmares since.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:03:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:22:46 AM EDT
There's not a night that goes by that I don't have at least one dream about killing bad guys.

I don't mind it.  Except those times when it takes like 200 shots to bring someone down - I hate those.

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Had a buddy, used to dream that he'd wake up, and there's a black clad VC with half of his face blown off, sittin' on his bed beside him.......

THAT woke him up!!! [:D]
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:44:24 AM EDT
According to "self-appointed" experts, everyone and everything in your dreams is an extension of you.

Parent's are supposed to represent your responsible self. Have you been feeling guilty about shirking some responsibilities?

but then again, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" -Freud
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:46:16 AM EDT
You know you can change your dreams? Your dreams are not coming from your rational mind. Sorry, I don't know the technical terms for all this, but dreams are like a movie played on a screen. While you may appear as an actor, they are not part of you. When your rational mind notices that you are having a dream, change it. Getting to a part you don't like? Change it. This takes a little practice but you will quickly get the hang of it. The best part is when you're dreaming of that chick you could never score with.[:)]
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:57:22 AM EDT
Well about feeling guilty not about a thing. The weirdest thing is my hair on my neck stand up alot of time whe I think about it and get real paranoid.

Like he is going to come bust down my door.

Last dream he came in a pick-up and asked me if I wanted to go fishing so I said yes then when I get in he started beating the living Hall out of me and I finally got out and he chased me down into a store and kept trying to kill me.

Some times I can feel things too. I have never had a dream where I can feel things any other time.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 10:24:09 AM EDT
Your dream shows you feel guilt over something you did either directly towards him or indirectly.

Just be glad you had a father to dream about. I never met mine.
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Me either, but  Idon't dream of scoring with my moms either [puke] But my son's mom [sex] [;)]
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:04:13 AM EDT
You're obviously eating [b]way[/b] too much cheese.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:16:59 AM EDT
Have you ever had an orgasm in your dream??

(No, NOT while dreaming about your dad!![:D])
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 3:00:14 PM EDT
You know you can change your dreams? Your dreams are not coming from your rational mind. Sorry, I don't know the technical terms for all this, but dreams are like a movie played on a screen. While you may appear as an actor, they are not part of you. When your rational mind notices that you are having a dream, change it. Getting to a part you don't like? Change it. This takes a little practice but you will quickly get the hang of it. The best part is when you're dreaming of that chick you could never score with.[:)]
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It's called "Lucid Dreaming".  Apparently some people are really quite good at controlling their dreams regularly.  It sounds pretty neat... I'd have a new lover daily if I could get the hang of it [:)]
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:50:23 PM EDT
You know you can change your dreams? Your dreams are not coming from your rational mind. Sorry, I don't know the technical terms for all this, but dreams are like a movie played on a screen. While you may appear as an actor, they are not part of you. When your rational mind notices that you are having a dream, change it. Getting to a part you don't like? Change it. This takes a little practice but you will quickly get the hang of it. The best part is when you're dreaming of that chick you could never score with.[:)]
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the tech term is Lucid Dreaming, i've had 3 in my life. very cool. one must relize one is dreaming then avoid wakeing up(this is the tricky part) once its known as a dream you can begin to change it. remember in dreams the laws of reality do not apply. you can have a rifle fire 6000 rounds per second with ZERO recoil. you can fly through the air, mountains, space. breating means nothing in your dream(its one of those laws of reality, but you may want to keep doing it in the dream, lest you really stop breathing and wake up when your natural reaction kicks in)
you can put yourself in a womans or mans body if you so chose, you can give yourself your hair back! but only in the dream.. unfortunatly you wont get it back in real life that way.

in one i played a James Bond type role, got the girl, killed the bad guys, had the gadgets. that one was fun.

another was kinda top gun like.

i forget what the third was about
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:52:48 PM EDT
Well about feeling guilty not about a thing. The weirdest thing is my hair on my neck stand up alot of time whe I think about it and get real paranoid.

Like he is going to come bust down my door.

Last dream he came in a pick-up and asked me if I wanted to go fishing so I said yes then when I get in he started beating the living Hall out of me and I finally got out and he chased me down into a store and kept trying to kill me.

Some times I can feel things too. I have never had a dream where I can feel things any other time.
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more than likley its the setting of the dream, you probably don't "feel" things until it starts to frighten you, then your "awarness" hightens and the dream becomes more realistic.

Note : I am not a sleep therapist, i just play one on AR15.COM
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:05:34 PM EDT
All of you! Stay away from me! Jesus holy Christ on a pony! All y'all are damned weirdos!
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:23:23 PM EDT
It's called "Lucid Dreaming".  Apparently some people are really quite good at controlling their dreams regularly.
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Yeah, that's it! I usually use it to change nighmares into pleasant dreams. If I don't like the directiona dream is taking I just change the script.

It sounds pretty neat... I'd have a new lover daily if I could get the hang of it [:)]
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That would be a trick! [:)] I can change in-progress dreams, but I can't force myself to dream about something.
It would be alot cooler if I dreamed alot, but I just don't seem to dream as much as I used to.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:09:47 PM EDT
I have the same sort of dreams, except I end up scoring with my mom.
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Damn, I had a dream I scored with your mom too!

Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:33:57 PM EDT
I have the same sort of dreams, except I end up scoring with my mom.
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Damn, I had a dream I scored with your mom too!

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I wasn't dreaming.[8)]
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 2:57:32 PM EDT
Neither was I apparently!
She just called me sayin she wants child support!

Mexico, here I come!
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 9:06:17 PM EDT
I had two weird dreams last night.

The first one was that my room mate killed himself.

Then the 2nd one my dad(who is also a cop) was speaking at a public place and a bunch of people started yelling stuff at him and we started jacking them up and I ended up beating one with my baton so bad his face was beat in and he died.  I was so scared and trying to figure out what I was going to do.  I woke up scared to death and it took me like 30 minutes to calm down and go back to sleep.  
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:54:54 AM EDT
You know you can change your dreams? Your dreams are not coming from your rational mind. Sorry, I don't know the technical terms for all this, but dreams are like a movie played on a screen. While you may appear as an actor, they are not part of you. When your rational mind notices that you are having a dream, change it. Getting to a part you don't like? Change it. This takes a little practice but you will quickly get the hang of it. The best part is when you're dreaming of that chick you could never score with.[:)]
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the tech term is Lucid Dreaming, i've had 3 in my life. very cool. one must relize one is dreaming then avoid wakeing up(this is the tricky part) once its known as a dream you can begin to change it. remember in dreams the laws of reality do not apply. you can have a rifle fire 6000 rounds per second with ZERO recoil. you can fly through the air, mountains, space. breating means nothing in your dream(its one of those laws of reality, but you may want to keep doing it in the dream, lest you really stop breathing and wake up when your natural reaction kicks in)
you can put yourself in a womans or mans body if you so chose, you can give yourself your hair back! but only in the dream.. unfortunatly you wont get it back in real life that way.

in one i played a James Bond type role, got the girl, killed the bad guys, had the gadgets. that one was fun.

another was kinda top gun like.

i forget what the third was about
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I don't know if it is the same thing but sometimes I will be having a nitemare about something and when it gets too intense my mind will say,"hey stupid, it is just a dream" and I will stop the dream and start dreaming of something else more pleasant without waking up. It seems to happen mostly on my days off when I take like a two hour catnap during the day (I work nights).
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