they blame this crap on gun laws,, But any idiot who is gonna do something like that,, is a criminal to begin with,, and owns the gun illegally.. It was probably a full auto by the way they talk.. I guarantee it was illegal though and the guy wasnt even supposed to own a gun period.. Therefore,, any gun law or ban that is imposed, will not affect people like this at all.. Because they have the guns illegally to begin with.. gun laws will NOT affect criminals. thats what these idiot politicians dont seem to understand
there is more than idiot politicians here.
...and the inability for the police (Timoney) to do anything about it...the police would jump on the political bandwagon to make the community believe that they're doing something.
I say Timoney should go back to his philly ghetto....or better yet to Ireland and take his buddies from NY (Blommbag) and Newark with his stinky ass.
How many guns were stolen, by gang members, from South Florida police cruisers in the past 5 years? WTF!
And just because some of these officers were not using the correct procedure to store them. Gangs targeting these knuckleheads in their own home's driveway.
And then some motherfuckers were suggesting that if the "guns left securely in the car" bill passed that it was gonna be a tragedy since thieves will break in the law-abiding cars to steal their guns. WTF!!!!!