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Posted: 10/24/2016 7:10:10 PM EDT
So, I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who isn't brain dead that Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and pretty much everything associated with the Democrat Party apparatus are all taking part in criminal activity of epic proportions.

Wouldn't voting for Hillary be considered aiding and abetting a criminal organization if you knew of this activity yet still voted for her?

Doesn't the press knowingly colluding with them and hiding evidence make them complicit in the criminal enterprise?

Will Trump's justice department round them all up and put them against the wall (or at least send them to PMITAP)?

The answers to all these questions, and more, on November 9th.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 7:11:50 PM EDT
What difference, at this point, does it make?  
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 7:59:42 PM EDT
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What difference, at this point, does it make?  
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If it didn't hurt so much I'd smile at that!

Amazingly, I had a few young people helping me this past weekend. When I mentioned Vince Foster in a humorous way (which normally would have gotten a few laughs) All I got were confused looks of bewilderment. After explaining a little about the Clinton Criminal Enterprises of the past, I asked them to watch a few of the MANY yootoobe videos on the matte, and guaranteed them that all the stuff portrayed therein - ACTUALLY happened! They couldn't believe it, then I remembered how old I am and the fact that many of them were babies when Vince "committed suicide".

Please remember that many of our young people weren't alive/cognizant of political matters dealing with the Clinton Crime Syndicate of the past. We need to be their guides in reliving the variety of criminal activities (not just Monica or Bengazi or travelgate or leaking "eyes only" intelligence, selling missile guidance technology to China, molesting/strongarming women.....etc....etc.....).
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 8:00:29 PM EDT
Influenced and

But don't count on the FBI or DOJ.

Aloha, Mark
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