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Posted: 8/15/2007 6:37:10 AM EDT
Cremated Human Remains Found in Mailbox
POTTSTOWN, Pa. (AP) -- Cremated human remains were found Tuesday inside a package placed in a mail collection box, police said. "In my 19 years of police work, never has something like this occurred," Pottstown police Capt. F. Richard Drumheller said.

The letter carrier found the package wrapped haphazardly in a plastic bag, with no mailing address or return address, and notified police. A police dog did not detect any explosives, so officers opened it and found a box with a metal plate with the deceased person's name on it and the years "1957-2000."

Police asked that the person's name not be released until relatives are found.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 6:38:48 AM EDT
If it was FedEx they would have left it in front of the garage door and the owner would have driven over it.

(this happened to me)
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 6:40:21 AM EDT
It was for Keith Richards but they were too stoned to properly address it.
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