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Posted: 10/29/2006 12:21:17 AM EDT
My retirement program allows us to buy DODGX (Dodge & Cox Stock Fund). We can also buy VHCAX (Vanguard Capital Opportunities) which I think is closed to new investors. We haven't always had the best funds to choose from, but we now have some better choices. We also have Vanguard International Growth. I need to retire in 15 years which will be here before I know it.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:27:54 AM EDT
Vanguard Total Stock Market VTSMX, Fidelity's FSTMX, and Russell 3000 (ex. IWV) among many others, have been considered conventional "core" holdings...
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:28:25 AM EDT
I've owned DODGX for a few years now, and it's been closed for a while.  If you can get in, I'd say consider it as a core fund.  It's a large cap that's diversified, and has a low expense ratio with decent returns.  It's current 10 year average is about 14.5% and is beating the S & P average for that period by almost 6%.  It holds health care, energy, materials, and financial services as it's largest holdings.

Morningstar.com is the best place to research mutual funds, and they give it a 5 star rating.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 12:32:18 PM EDT

I've owned DODGX for a few years now, and it's been closed for a while.  If you can get in, I'd say consider it as a core fund.  It's a large cap that's diversified, and has a low expense ratio with decent returns.  It's current 10 year average is about 14.5% and is beating the S & P average for that period by almost 6%.  It holds health care, energy, materials, and financial services as it's largest holdings.

+1 billion.

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